I AM HealingStrong
Discover how to transform the most challenging chapter of your life with Jim Mann's inspiring podcast. As a stage 4 cancer survivor, and a HealingStrong Group Leader, Jim interviews famous musical artists like Tasha Layton, Ellie Holcomb, Katy Nichole, and Tim Timmons, as well as health influencers who beat incurable diseases like depression and addiction. Through humor and a renewed sense of purpose, guests courageously share their stories of overcoming the toughest times and learning to trust God. Tune in to Jim's powerful podcast to find hope and inspiration.
I AM HealingStrong
117: Exploring Apricot Seeds, Laetrile, and Reviving Natural Cancer Therapies | John A. Richardson, Jr.
John Richardson, Founder & Chief Visionary Officer of Operation World Without Cancer and Founder of Richardson Nutritional Center, passionately shares his family's advocacy for Laetrile, a natural cancer treatment derived from apricot seeds, and recounts powerful success stories in its application.
The episode provokes critical questions about the mainstream medical approach to cancer and encourages listeners to explore natural remedies as essential health strategies.
• The origins of John's family's journey in cancer treatment
• Fundamental chemistry of amygdalin within apricot seeds
• Case study of little Shane Horton’s dramatic recovery
• The importance of nutrition in prevention and combatting cancer
• Challenges faced by alternative treatments in a pharmaceutical-dominant environment
• Launching Operation World Without Cancer to consolidate natural treatment strategies
• Call to action: Explore a holistic approach to health and wellness
Learn more about John and his mission.
Shop apricot seeds or Laetrile products and save with this HealingStrong discount. Automatically applied.
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glucose, which is part of amygdalin, believe it or not, there's two molecules of glucose, a molecule of cyanide and a molecule of benzaldehyde in amygdalin. And that's the scary thing, they tell you If you eat apricot seeds you're going to die of cyanide poisoning. That's false, because the only place that the amygdalin is broken apart is in the presence of a cancer cell that has beta glucosidaseidase, and beta-glucosidase is the unlocking enzyme. The cancer goes to eat that glucose, those two glucose molecules, and is poisoned by the cyanide and benzaldehyde. Now, that's a very simplified version of the chemistry that happens, but it's factual, proven and works.
Speaker 2:You're listening to the I Am Healing Strong podcast, a part of the Healing Strong organization, the number one network of holistic cancer support groups in the world. Each week we bring you stories of hope, real stories that will encourage you as you navigate your way on your own journey to health. Now here's your host stage four cancer thriver, jim Mann.
Speaker 3:It is my honor to talk once again to John Richardson. We spoke last year April or something like that. If you didn't hear that episode, you can go back at any time and listen to that. But, John, how you doing?
Speaker 1:I'm doing fantastic, jim. Thanks for having me on. I appreciate getting the word out any way possible and through the times we're in, as I mentioned a little bit before, we got pressed record. This is an amazing time to be alive and amazing things are happening. God's putting things in my life and then he's putting trials in my life and all sorts of wonderful things going on for such a time as this. So God's given us a great opportunity to get this truth out and that's what we're doing, and thank you for letting me do it with your audience, your very smart audience, to listen to you.
Speaker 3:Yes, and without trials we have no growth right. So we all need to face those trials and work our way through them. So that's kind of good news when you're going through trials.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, absolutely. I absolutely agree. God sharpens us with fire sometimes, and we're usually. He usually doesn't give us anything we can't handle, even though sometimes people think he does. But whatever, he's always there with us and we turn to him. Things get a lot easier.
Speaker 3:That's right. Well, for those people who maybe didn't listen to the other episode for some bizarre reason, they can always go back and listen, of course, but give us a rundown or kind of a recap of how things started, with your dad doing the research and him making a few people upset.
Speaker 1:Well, my dad was a graduate of University of Rochester Medical School and he was educated by a big pharma education and that's how he started. And so he, he realized when he finished he had about 19 total hours of nutritional education during his entire 10-year medical school. You know medical education. He, you know, did his undergrad, he did his, his graduate his, his at university of Rochester, his undergrad at Colgate University and Hamilton College. And then he went to New York and was at Mary Jean Bassett Hospital I probably just butchered the name, but all through this time all he knew was pharmaceutical answers to disease, because he was an ear, nose and throat specialist, because he was an ear, nose and throat specialist. And then he moved to California and began his practice there where, when he would have somebody come in and he'd start seeing the cancer rates going up, he would send them off to the oncology department of his local hospital that he was at at Dockers Hospital. He was kind of the chief medical officer at a local hospital. He'd send them off to that department and they'd never see him again. Uh, because they would be.
Speaker 1:Uh, you know cobalt, uh, radiation, uh, you know chemotherapeutic drugs, even back in the 70s, that were deadly. These drugs were designed obviously to kill the cancer before they killed you, and most of the time they killed you. And then surgery. He would see people maimed and disfigured and dismembered and he always thought there had to be a better way. So so he started to hear about a doctor in San Francisco named Dr Ernst Krebs who was having, you know, kind of incredible, unbelievable success with a compound called laetrile, which is a vitamin, or if even if you don't want to call it a vitamin it's a food compound. It's an intrinsic factor found in over 1200 different foods and it's known scientifically as amygdalin. But Dr Krebs in the 1950s had purified it and called it laetrile. His dad, dr Ernst Krebs Sr, had actually started that back in the 1920s and he was having great success as an MD using it to treat people with cancer.
Speaker 1:And so he came up. He didn't come up with a theory, but he furthered the theory that cancer is nothing more than a deficiency disease, much like scurvy or rickets or beriberi, all of which have vitamin deficiencies at their cause. So he said the same thing about cancer and over time that has been proven time and time again that all the lies you hear about cancer, about being genetic or goes in the genes, or it's something that you catch or something that you can be injected into you. Cancer is nothing more than, at its root, a deficiency disease, and primarily of amygdalin or B17. So, uh, so dad was studying that, heard about it and he had a cat. We had a family cat named spooky who got a big tumor on its neck. So he took it to his local veterinarian friend and they said well, if we can do surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, it'll be about $2,000 in 1970s dollars. It was a whole lot of money. My dad said his first life insurance policy was $10,000. So that $2,000 for to save a cat was was you know, uh, more than he could imagine. He thought $10,000 was all the money my family would ever need in my first life insurance policy. So, uh, so, anyway, he, he declined and you know, especially because the doctor said the cat might live another six months. So he said what an opportunity. Let me try to lay it on the cat. Well, the cat responded tremendously, the tumor shrank. The cat lived a long happy life after that, even though it was already old.
Speaker 1:And, just as fate would have it, dad's nurse had a sister who was just diagnosed by Kaiser Hospital with terminal cancer. She had an arm that was riddled with cancer and they either wanted to remove the arm, uh, and they got her to do chemotherapy and radiation. She got so sick from that she said I don't want to do that anymore. So she begged her sister to get dad to use Laetrile on her. And dad knew that it was not accepted in the medical world. It was you would be considered a quack if you tried Laetrile on somebody. But he said he couldn't go against his Hippocratic oath and he couldn't be a God-fearing doctor if he didn't at least try it on this patient begging him, who didn't want to do chemotherapy, didn't want her arm removed. Dad immediately started treating her. Her cancer went away.
Speaker 1:She went back to Kaiser. She was cancer-free. They said we've never seen anything like this. What have you done? She was afraid to tell them. But they said well, we, we think we should still remove your arm and and and she, you know incredulously she said what? Why would you do that? And she said would you do that If I came to you the first time you looked at this arm? They said no, but we always see the cancer come back. It always comes back. So we just think it would stop you from having to come back if you just remove the arm. Well, she declined and she lived a long life after that and ran into my dad at a wedding years later and they ran up to each other with tears in her eyes. She held both of his hands with both of her hands and they both realized how they had changed each other's lives, because dad went on to, after that, treat over 6,000 patients over the next five years, with varying degrees of success based on how they came into him.
Speaker 1:The more chemotherapy, radiation surgery they had had before they came to him, the less likely he was to save them. But he still had a very good percentage of people improving their life, getting their appetite back, having their hair grow back. And then he wrote a book called Laetrile Case Histories the Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience, where he proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Laetrile was not only safe, that it was non-toxic, but it was also effective. And so he had 62 different cases that had been seen by an oncology department proved that they had cancer, which was very important to my dad, because if he didn't prove it that they had it beforehand, they would lie and say, oh well, that person didn't really have cancer in the first place. So then they would go through his therapy. At the end they would go back to the same oncology department and shown to be cancer-free.
Speaker 1:So one of the one of the most famous cases although many of them is little shane horton, who was six years old, full-blown cancer, sent home to die, given about 45 days to live. This cancer spread through to his bone marrow, to his uh, his spine, his spleen, and he was sent home to die. This is his original x-ray and this is his post-treatment x-ray where Shane was completely cancer-free. Doctors at the time and media at the time said these have to be fake. You have to fake. This Can't be the same person. And it showed my dad that he needed it well-documented, because it was in fact the same person, x-rayed on the same exact x-ray machine at the same exact oncology department. Now Shane, who was sent home to die in the early 1970s was I played with him as a six-year-old at my dad's office. He is now 60 years old. He's an Alaskan king crab fisherman.
Speaker 1:It's still alive and thriving to this day and still takes Laetrile, as most everybody that survived continued to take Laetrile after my dad would treat them. Anybody who went back to the same old garbage diets, the cancer would come back. So metabolic therapy is about bringing your immune system back. It's not about a silver bullet or magic thing called Laetrile. It's about that being the intrinsic thing that your body needs to allow it to fight off the cancer. So that's how it all began.
Speaker 1:And then, you know, dad was arrested. He was raided eight times. They sued him four times. He had his license removed in 1977 when he came out with this book proving. They took away his license and the New York Times did 158 articles that year negative about Laetrile, at my dad and other doctors that were proving it worked. So that's, that's kind of the genesis of how my whole life started.
Speaker 1:And, uh, you know I was, I was born into it, born in 1964. Dad uh ran for Congress under God, family and country in 1968. And then he started using Leotro in his medical practice in 1971. And in 1972 was the first raid. So it's just you know it. Basically, you know dad gave his life to this mission and I'm basically picked up the mantle, the torch and running with it now to tell the world that not just my father. But hundreds of doctors and thousands of patients and case histories have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that laetrile and metabolic therapy work in the control and the healing, allowing the body to heal from the deadly disease, the horrible disease of cancer.
Speaker 3:Wow, it is just crazy that that can actually be true.
Speaker 1:Well, it is crazy. And for years, jim, for years I would tell that story and people would just think well, this guy's a charlatan, he's just trying to sell these apricot seeds. He's trying to sell these apricot seeds and I'd have people say you're poisoning people. Never any proof of that. There's never a case that we've found selling thousands and thousands of pounds of apricot seeds. Never had anybody poisoned.
Speaker 1:People get sick to their stomach if they eat too much. That's why we recommend to start slow and eat warm. But the Hunzas of Turkey live to, you know, over 100 years old and they eat 200 apricot seeds a day. On a typical day I'll eat 40 apricot seeds and when you're, when you're ready to have me do it, on your show there's uh, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I always count them because I always like to make sure I get the number. I'll chew them and I'll let you do some commentary while I do it, because it's hard to speak and chew apricot seeds at the same time. So, yes, I'm grabbing my, I'm grabbing my, my kombucha to to wash it down as I chew it.
Speaker 3:So yes, and this is crazy, of course, you know, I know it's true and I know people, society, we just think if you have a lab coat, you have the answers. So maybe you should just wear a lab coat from now on and therefore it'll be true, whatever it is you say. I know, like my family, I grew up thinking, well, if doctors know everything, you should never question them. You know, it's an innocent thing and the doctors, I think, also thought they knew everything. It's just an authority thing and there's nothing wrong with respecting the authority.
Speaker 3:But since I've been diagnosed with cancer myself, you know, I started doing the research and I found out that it's not necessarily the doctors trying to, you know, hurt us, it's just the system that they are involved in. You know, we're not bashing doctors, of course, or any conventional thing. It's just like there's a much bigger picture. We have to think. You know. In fact, I think you're crazy if you think that the immune system that God created in us is inferior to medicine that doctors have come up with. You know, maybe you should check in and get some counseling. That's what I'm thinking anyway.
Speaker 1:Well, that's what most of modern medicine thinks. They think that the vaccines you know 72 vaccines required by the time you're five years old. My grandson was just born in California and that's what my daughter looks forward to if she wants her son to go to school. So we got to make a change with that. But we think we can improve on this amazing immune system that God gave us, and the only way we can do it is follow his words in the Bible.
Speaker 1:In Genesis 1.29,. It says I give you the seed for food. And so in the seeds, whether it's apricot seeds or chia seeds or hemp seeds or all the various seeds, have all the nutrients. And God gave us those seeds for food. So the seed of peaches, apples, watermelons, all these seeds contain amygdalin which, in sufficient forms, stops you from ever getting cancer.
Speaker 1:G Edward Griffin, who wrote the book World Without Cancer, was a very dear friend of my dad's. He's 93 years old now and he still eats apricot seeds and takes a purified amygdala called laetrile. And this book has been re-edited 24 times, it's been published for 50 years and they've never found a single fact in it that's incorrect. It's never proven anything wrong and Ed touts it to this day, and the fact that we don't know about it still is only reason we don't know about it is because they censored, because there's way too much money, too many jobs, too many careers based on cancer. Right, cancer is a trillion dollar industry, and I used to say billion dollar industry, but now I'm way up because all the hospitals, all the nursing staffs, all these things that are supported by people that get cancer and then before they die, they spend as much money as they can possibly getting them to treat the cancer with chemotherapy, poisonous drugs, radiation and surgery, and so the profit centers of that is really the thing that stops the system from ever wanting to accept natural, god-given, cheap answers to cancer. And it's even happening in the natural cancer treatment world where people are coming up with new fangled things that you really need to have to get rid of your cancer.
Speaker 1:When I say, if you just eat God's food as close to organic as you can, you're going to be able to keep cancer away, I don't know anybody in my family that regularly eats apricot seeds in my extended family that's ever gotten cancer, let alone died from it. Ed Griffin doesn't know anybody. I have a local doctor here in Arizona that's ever gotten cancer, let alone died from it. Ed Griffin doesn't know anybody.
Speaker 1:I have a local doctor here in Arizona that's been treating people for 25 years and he told me in a personal meeting we felt like we were brothers. He said, john, I've never had a single patient that regularly eats apricot seeds that's ever died of cancer. I can't think of one. So those are just three examples, and we have thousands of examples of people that have uh, you, the, the, the pest studies are already out there, because we have thousands of people regularly apricot seeds and we're seeing those people not come up with cancer. So we again I'm not a doctor, I'm not suggesting people don't listen to your doctor. I'm just saying open your mind and your heart to the possibility that God has the answer by eating his medicine, which is the seed.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and God has a lab coat somewhere, I'm sure.
Speaker 1:I have the anti-lab coat today. Yeah, I'd be accused if I did have a lab coat. People would say he's impersonating a doctor. I have people call me Dr Richardson sometime and I just say he's impersonating a doctor. I have people call me Dr Richardson sometime and I just say no, unfortunately I'm not a doctor, fortunately I'm an investigator, and so I find all these doctors that have had case studies and books and histories and all sorts of stories about successes with treating people metabolically, so much so that we can If we open up for this, we can get rid of cancer in the next four years, without a doubt if we can get this news out to people right now, because people are more accepting to natural answers than they've ever been after going through the whole COVID ordeal.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and then, of course, you're founder of two different organizations Richardson Nutritional Center, which is where you can get these apricot seeds and some other things besides that, right where you can get these apricot seeds and some other things besides that.
Speaker 1:Right, yeah, we have supplements vitamin B15, which is an oxygenator of the blood. We have pancreatic enzymes, which help your body digest the outer slimy shell of tumors Same enzymes you need for digesting animal protein. But in a body that has cancer, typically the pancreas stops producing the pancreatic enzymes that help you digest the cancer, so it's a lose-lose proposition. So a lot of people that have full-blown cancer also need to worry about enzymes, and so we offer a lot of these things that maybe are more difficult to find. And we offer products all forms of apricot seeds ground up and put in a capsule, purified and called Leotril. We have it in chocolate bars and healthy candy. We have it in you know all different ways on our website.
Speaker 1:But I always tell people that this is not something that I have trademarked or patent, something you can get in your own diet. If you eat an organic you know, really farm grown, hopefully grown in your own garden diet, you're not going to get. You're going to get all these nutrients that you won't get in today's modern diet, because two weeks after a plant has been cut from an area and then shipped to the grocery store. It's all of the vitamins have. The half-life of the vitamins that are there have all gone away. So so you're not getting nutrition.
Speaker 1:Even in the most perfect situation, you're not getting the nutrition in your food that you need. So you have to supplement. And so that's why that's why my dad started the company back in the 1970s is to uh, when people went home from his clinic and didn't have it right there, they'd be able to get it into their bodies even back in the 1970s and and we've, you know, took a hiatus in there when my dad was. My dad was, uh, lost in 1988. When we lost my father, we took a hiatus and then we re restarted the company, re up the company back about six years ago and been going strong ever since.
Speaker 3:Wow, and you don't have apricot seeds in Pop-Tarts yet, right?
Speaker 1:No, we don't. We do have it in a chocolate bar, believe it or not. I don't even think it's up on the website yet because it's just so new, but it's actually healthy for you. Now it is expensive, I warn people, because it only has natural ingredients and the chocolate is a cacao. It's actually healthy for you and unfortunately it is more expensive than we want it to be. But the more we can sell, the more we can bring the price down. So that's a new product we've launched just to make it, so that people can have some fun ways to get it into their diet, because eating apricot seeds is not so much fun all the time.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and I mentioned my diagnosis. I had talked about it before, but I know you've talked to a lot of people, have done a lot of podcasts. It was back in 2016. I had stage four melanoma. They gave me a month or two to live being a procrastinator. I'm still here.
Speaker 1:That's good procrastination. I like that. Thank God you're here.
Speaker 3:I am. In fact. I just had a scan last week and they're going to close the books on me. They said I'm cancer-free, but I just let you know apricot seeds was a part of my diet. I mean I obviously changed things, cut out sugar uh, started eating more vegetables and salads, and organic and apricot seeds, of course.
Speaker 1:So well, that's, that's fantastic news. I love, I love hearing those stories. That's typical story. I don't ever want to tell somebody oh, I've heard that a million times, but I, but I literally have heard it thousands of times and and and honestly, I'm not going to sit here and go, it was only the apricot seeds, cause that's, that's a falsehood. But I always know the crown jewel, the one that that is really the one that works the best, the most effective one, and the one they've demonized the most, the one they've lied about the most and the most I put doctors out of business, is the 17. And so whether it works you know it's a silver bullet I can tell you it's not because you can't be eating donuts and ice cream and pizza and take some apricot seeds and think you're going to change your health. It is a metabolic program that includes some steps that it's free of charge. If you go to our website at rncstorecom and use, do you have an affiliate link? Do we have affiliate code for you, jim?
Speaker 3:I think so.
Speaker 1:Oh, healing Strong it is. It's Healing Strong. If you use that discount code, it not only unlocks some free videos and some free information and the history of Laetrile and all that if you use Healing Strong, but also you can get a discount as a customer. And we also help support Healing Strong that way by giving back. Because we don't advertise on Google, we don't advertise on YouTube, they'll shut us down. They don't allow us to. So we feed the economy of truth tellers and that's how we do it. So when you go, if the audience goes to the website to look, see this information, use that forward, slash healing strong and that way you can, you can help the whole. The whole message continue to be going on.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, I will mention they also say they also admit that sugar is bad for you, so they supply you with chemicals to replace that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, we, we, we tell people all the time sugar is a poison. Yeah, so processed sugar, that doesn't mean that eating an apple is bad for you, because that is natural sugar, not high fructose corn syrup. If you see that in a soda run yeah you know anybody still drinking sodas you're basically poisoning yourself every time you do that. Uh, you want to have natural sugars. Natural sugars are perfectly fine. They they're not cancer causing, they don't feed the cancer.
Speaker 1:But glucose, which is part of amygdalin, believe it or not. There's two molecules of glucose, a molecule of cyanide and a molecule of benzaldehyde in amygdalin. And that's the scary thing. They tell you if you eat apricot seeds you're going to die of cyanide poisoning. That's false, because the only place that the amygdala is broken apart is in the presence of a cancer cell that has beta glucosidase, and beta glucosidase is the unlocking enzyme.
Speaker 1:The cancer goes to eat that glucose, those two glucose molecules, and is poisoned by the cyanide and benzaldehyde.
Speaker 1:Now, that's a very simplified version of the chemistry that happens, but it's factual, proven and works and that's why we call it, you know, kind of nature's chemotherapy, even though that's not.
Speaker 1:You know, chemotherapy is really a bad word, because chemotherapy is about poisoning trying to poison the cancer before it kills you. But only 6% of the chemotherapy ever makes it to the cancer Right and 94% goes and wreaks havoc on the rest of your body. That's why, if they could find chemotherapy that was specifically targeted just to the cancer cell, they would have done it, but they haven't and therefore laetrile remains the only natural thing that actually targets the cancer cells while actually leaving the healthy cells alone, because of rhodonase. Rhodonase is the protecting enzyme and it turns the cyanide and benzaldehyde into analgesics, pain relievers. So 90% of the people that start on amygdala get pain relief and that's been shown throughout history. People that are on heavy duty barbiturates for the pain in their breastplate from breast cancer get completely off of those barbiturates by starting lateral. As much as six weeks later they're completely not on barbiturates and they're pain free.
Speaker 3:Wow. Let's move on to the other organization that you have, which is and of course we're not making this a political statement, of course it doesn't matter who you voted for, but right now we have an administration in there that are looking into why are we so unhealthy, what's going on with the FDA and all these different things. But you have the Operation World Without Cancer, which I think everyone is for that. What's exciting about this? I mean, you're trying to get a meeting with the administration. How'd that happen?
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, we're absolutely putting together a coalition, because the other side just announced that they want to do mRNA vaccines with artificial intelligence and we know that mRNA vaccines have been proven to increase cancer by destroying the immune system. Again, I don't believe cancer can be caused by these vaccines. They just destroy the immune system and then if you already have a deficiency, then we have these turbo cancers and the parasites can attack because your immune system is lowered. So we need to come up with a unified voice on the nutritional side that isn't supported by a trillion dollar industry, because any answer to cancer that's claimed by these multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies is just more of the same lie just told in a different way. That's all it is. So we're putting together a coalition, but operation world without cancer is to bring in all the god-given natural uh, you know answers for cancer, because they've seen results with niacin and with oxygen oxygenating the blood and with red light therapy and with other vitamins and nutrients and programs, the, the Hoxie method, which was primarily a metabolic therapy that my dad used, with the emphasis on a plant-based diet. So even the Hoxie that's been known to be extremely successful and then Harold Hoxie was, you know lost his life prematurely.
Speaker 1:All of these answers we want to bring together for Operation World Without Cancer.
Speaker 1:So if someone's got stage four whatever stage five they're starting to die they don't wait to come up with the solutions. They can find a clearing house of this information and we're even willing to take information of things like fenbendazole and ivermectin, which have been proven to kill parasites and allow people to immune system to come back and get rid of the cancer. So we want to talk about these things, even though that's classically considered pharmaceutical. So we were asked about a month and a half ago before President Trump won. No, it's more than a month and a half ago before president Trump won. No, it's more than a month and a half ago, maybe two or three months ago, when RFK's organization and we were doing these transitions and we were talking to people, we were asked as an organization to come up with the top seven make America healthy again missions uh, as authored by operational World Without Cancer. So I'd love to talk about those if we have time and tell you what those are, and some of them are happening already.
Speaker 3:Well, yeah, yeah, let's go.
Speaker 1:Let's go over this clinical studies that show favorable results for natural, metabolic, organic, non-patentable treatments for cancer or auxiliary treatments. The only legal treatments are chemotherapy, radiation surgery, so they don't want to classify those treatments. But there's been proof, the government has it, the FDA has these clinical studies and we want them all released so that people can compare. On one hand, here's the chemotherapy, radiation surgery. On one hand, and here's the natural, God-given, cheap, organic, non-patentable things that a drug company can't make millions off of. Which is the best path? We need to see the results and we're calling for those to be released. And from talking to Mary Holland, who is RFK Jr's attorney with the Children's Defense Fund, she said they have all the receipts, they have them. They're just waiting for RFK to be confirmed in the Senate hearing. So we're excited about that and that's platform number one we want to have and this is another one that we know is going to happen but we want to have the immediate banning of direct-to-consumer advertising by big pharma in the United States. Why should we be one of only two countries in the world that allows big pharma, with their billions, to advertise directly to the consumer, when the only way you can get it is to go to your doctor. Why should our, the patients, be convinced with slick marketing showing how you can fish better with taking the newest drug or you can run through a field and smell roses better with these new drugs, but then at the end they talk about all the side effects. Why should that be be allowed? It shouldn't be.
Speaker 1:And the new FCC, the incoming FCC chairman I have a video that I show. Sometimes it says ban pharma ads. You can look them up. His name is Brandon Carr. Incoming FCC chair. Brandon Carr discusses his top priorities and it's one of his top priorities you look them up is to ban big pharma ads and look that up. It's called big pharma ads and look that up. It's called Ban Pharma Ads. In-company FCC Chair. Brandon Carr discusses his top priorities and he talks about one of the first things he's going to do is stop Big Pharma from advertising. So obviously what that also does is takes away the media source. Let's say it's CNN. It gets 50% of its advertising dollar from Pfizer. They're not going to report on any negative Pfizer reports. They're not going to report on any deaths caused by the Pfizer vaccines because they would lose their advertising. So it's going to take away that from it as well, and that's one that's already happening. So we're really excited about that.
Speaker 1:The number the third thing is overhauling big education for medical professionals. It is ridiculous to think that your doctors, their entire education, their meals, their books, their living expenses, are all paid by big pharma. What are these doctors going to recommend when they graduate? Harvard has came out with a study that said 110% of their budget comes from big pharma, from the big pharma world. So, yes, they're going to only recommend you to take big pharma solutions they're not going to. There's no advertising dollars.
Speaker 1:I don't send any money from RNC store to Harvard to train doctors. I guess if I did, I would be embarrassed to say, well, you got to tell them about apricot seeds if I'm going to send a donation, but it kind of makes you know I'd be right to say that because it's in the, it's in the documents, it's in the proof. They should be teaching that without me having to send you know a hundred million dollars to Harvard to tell them to talk about apricot seeds. You know, obviously we don't have that on our side because we're we're selling apricot seeds for know five months supply, for 35. It's not in our budget to like. It is a big pharma because they have patents, they charge tens of thousands of dollars, so that we're calling for that to be completely overhauled.
Speaker 1:Okay, then we want it's already been compiled, but we wanted the compilation of vaccine injury data, including what the rates of herbal cancers and other diseases are uh, when people are vaccinated, as opposed to what the statistics are. It's called the VAERS system. They have all the stats, they've done all the math. They know is the population of unvaccinated people healthier or is the population of vaccinated people healthier? And people are going to be horrified to find out that it's sometimes a thousand percent higher disease in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated. And we want that to be released, compiled, released and let people do what they want with it, and don't censor it for 75 years, like they recently tried to do with the COVID vaccine injury data. They tried to stop us from seeing it for 75 years. What possible reason, jim? Would that be good for us?
Speaker 3:No red flag there.
Speaker 1:No red flag there at all. You want to prohibit financial incentives to medical professionals from big pharma and big med, meaning we don't want your child or your grandchild's pediatrician to get a million dollar bone annual bonus for having 85% of your children vaccinated. That's the current system. One doctor told me it was $1.5 million in her practice for having 85% of her children vaccinated. I'm talking about the kids in her practice. So no wonder if you tell your doctor I don't want my child vaccinated, they tell you to find another doctor. They're not going to treat you if you're not going to be vaccinated. Again, we want to prohibit that. That is ridiculous. They already did prohibit the direct compensation, meaning if my grandchild got a vaccine, the doctor got an immediate payout. They prohibited that but they found a way around it by saying okay, we won't pay you for your tit for tat for every vaccine you give, but we will pay you for having your overall patient base be a certain percentage. The higher the percentage, the higher the bonus. What a ridiculous system Can you imagine. I mean, if you had that in any other industry, people would say it's crazy. But the more Big Macs you eat, the more government money you get for the more Big Macs you eat. That would be the same kind of crazy thing. And then the final one is this is a fun one and it's happening already, but removing of all government security protection for people who are complicit in the COVID vaccine scandal.
Speaker 1:Out of these seven platforms that I was called to ask for two months ago, many of them are already in process of coming true and many of them are happening. So promise is made and promise is delivered. We just need to stay, jim, diligent in making sure that President Trump is not fooled by Bill Gates or some of these other people talking about vaccines, especially mRNA vaccines, because these are not human and not good for us, and nobody hearing my voice should ever get an mRNA vaccine again. They've got plenty of studies showing cancer rates are through the roof with mRNA. They've actually said the NIH said don't use mRNA vaccines in any cancer studies, yet they think we're foolish enough to believe they're going to come up with a personal, specific one by checking our DNA. It's ludicrous, it's dangerous and it's deadly, and we need to shout with one voice come together and request a meeting with President Trump to teach him about vaccines. Request a meeting with President Trump to teach him about vaccines.
Speaker 3:Wow, and so you're waiting to hear like a date for this to happen, once confirmations are made right.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, once confirmations are made, we expect to see a lot of great things happening. I tell people again I don't. I respect President Trump, I love him as my leader, but I don't believe everything. He's not, doesn't know everything about everything, and he knows nothing about vaccines. So I would not go to a real estate developer in my real life to ask him for medical advice, right as I would not want you to come to me for advice about how to make the best chicken pot pie. You know I'm not an expert, so don't expert, so don't listen to what I have to say about it. My wife, on the other hand, go to her, she's an expert. So it's kind of funny. But I'd much rather go to RFK Jr when he's the head of the Health and Human Services to ask his advice about vaccines and President Trump to ask his advice about vaccines. I'd much rather that happen, and so, yes, I'm counting the days for RFK Jr to be confirmed, but I'm not even saying that if that doesn't happen, it's all over, because there's going to be.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of truth that's going, and I know a lot of people involved in what was the transition team which are now at the Oval Office. I know people that are taking positions as executive secretaries. I know people that are taking positions as executive secretaries. I know people that are taking positions as right-hand men, of these people that are going in on this team that's going in to change the world. So I'm very hopeful and I believe that he's going to fly through with flying colors and it's going to be like my Super Bowl to watch these senators who have no clue about health and vaccines try to question RK Jr. It's going to be humorous and I can't wait to see the whole thing. I'm going to hit my time, block out my time to watch the whole thing when it happens.
Speaker 3:Yes, definitely, and when you do get caught up there, if you need somebody to carry your briefcase for you, I'm right here.
Speaker 1:Well, I've had some spiritual advisors say they see me going in and out of the White House. I'm right here. Well, I've had some spiritual advisors say they see me going in and out of the White House. I'm not. I don't have enough pride to think that I'm that. It's me personally. It's the message that I bring that cancer is a deficiency disease and, no matter how much your audience wants to fight against me saying that, I want them to look in their soul and know that I'm telling the truth. And I have no other reason to tell you that cancer is a deficiency disease and can be wiped out just by making the proper choices in what you eat and what you do and how you do it.
Speaker 3:So it's a deficiency disease, primarily again of amygdala or vitamin B17. 17. Yeah, I think if we just stop trusting people with lab codes not disrespecting them but do our own research because there's so much information out there, I think common sense will help you figure out. Hey, you know, there's more to this than just getting the chemo and radiation and feeling worse. I mean, I've seen it so often In fact, you know I was, I was in radio and since I got my diagnosis there's like seven or eight other DJs, because you know, we, we live our lives out in front of a big audience.
Speaker 3:So we can't really hide that If we all of a sudden disappear from the radio. They know what's going on, but I am the only one that is still alive out of all the seven or eight of them. We just lost two of them recently and they were good friends of mine and I'm like man, what's going on? I mean. But they were all you know. God bless them. But they're all doing what the doctor said and none of them are with us anymore. And you know, I know everybody's different, everybody's body, they have different deficiencies, but there's some common sense of hey, put the good nutrition in there, eat the right stuff. You got to change your life, otherwise you know the cancer's going to have its way. You know it's not?
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I've. You know, jim, it is the genocide of our times Because, you know, in this vault of information of 50 years, collected of information from the Cancer Control Society that I've talked about on podcasts and I don't know if I ever mentioned it to you, but we found 32 pallets of books and documents and case histories and studies and lawsuits and all sorts of photos and videos and newspaper clippings. And just recently, in the last couple of weeks, we found this book that was published in 1999. And it's called An Explosive Overview of the News. The World has Waited to Hear Cancer, why we're Still Dying to Know the Truth. And this book was published.
Speaker 1:It was written by Philip Day, who wrote over 30 books, first published in 1999. And it says on the back, and I'll read it to your audience the war on cancer was won 50 years ago, so why are we still fighting it? Author Philip Day's simple but stunning overview exposes the ongoing medical, political and economic scandal surrounding cancer. Here are the simple facts of the treatment from the medical experts themselves. Can cancer be treated at home today for just dollars or pounds? He's an English author. A day, and there it shows the apricots. Find out why we're still dying to know the truth. He wrote this book in 1999. And then he came out with this book as a technical manual for doctors, called B-17 Metabolic Therapy in the Prevention and Control of Cancer, and I had never seen this book before two weeks ago. I've been doing this for 40 years, never seen it. It was published in 2002, just 22 years ago, and let me just read this one section I highlighted. Let me see here oh there it is the yellow sticky note.
Speaker 1:Here's some highlighted things that I learned when I read this. One is the author of a book that we sell on our website. You can get by discount. Is this book called the little cyanide cookbook by June to Spain. I did not know this about her. I knew this book existed, but I didn't know she was an FDA agent. She was a pharmacologist and toxicologist with the FDA. When she wrote the Little Cyanide Cookbook, in which she dispels the deadly cationide in its natural form myth, she dispelled it and lays out dozens of diets containing the essential nitroxide factor. The Spain sums up her own findings on the back cover of this book.
Speaker 1:Because of its unique molecular structure, this compound releases cyanide only at the cancer site, as I explained before, thus destroying cancer cells while nourishing non-cancer tissue, which eat these vitamin-rich foods, simply do not get. Oh, societies, populations that eat these foods do not get cancer. I talked about the Hunzas, who do not get cancer and live to be 130. And they live to be much older than those who subsist on the typical modern diet. Now, I didn't know that about June Street, even though I knew this book. I knew a doctor in the inside front cover that said this If every family could enjoy the meals from this book, we'd soon have no more cancer patients. Let us hasten the day. Dr john a richardson, md albany, california, that's my father, dr richardson.
Speaker 1:I did not know all these connections until I got this vault, so the the next one I want to say about this book written by philip day, who, who uh, wrote, writes about all sorts of doctors and brings all the technical information together for you. This book written by Dr Hans Nieper, called the Curious man. This is the doctor that cured Ronald Reagan's colon cancer using Laetrile and metabolic therapy in 1985. Eight years after my dad lost his license and three years before my dad died. Dad lost his license and three years before my dad died, hans Nieper cured Ronald Reagan's cancer and Ronald Reagan lived another 19 years and ran for president again. This is what Hans Nieper said and is in this book by Philip Day, Hans Nieper.
Speaker 1:During a visit to the United States, dr Nieper told reporters after more than 20 years of such specialized work, I have found non-toxic laetrile far superior to any other known cancer treatment or preventative. In my opinion, it is the only existing possibility for the ultimate control of cancer. This has been documented. This is in a book I didn't know existed 10 days ago. Jim and I've been doing this 30 years, so you don't think Spencer Thipp in the general public has stopped us from knowing about this.
Speaker 1:If I didn't know who this guy was, or I didn't know, I knew about Hans Nieper and Ronald Reagan. I didn't know that a year ago. I've learned it over the last year but I am learning on a daily basis about all the case histories and studies and doctors and all these books. We have over a hundred separate books that talk about lateral therapy and lateral treatment, all of which the medical world, the normal MD out there, has no clue about, no clue of its existence and when I get time to talk to these medical doctors, their jaw drops. They had no idea all these studies and data existed, including at Loyola University, a five-year study on Laetrile proving that it wiped out 89% of breast cancer. A study at Sloan Kettering proving it stopped the metastases of tumors in laboratory mice, proving they covered it up, they lied about it and the genocide has continued for 50 years. Does that sound like the COVID thing, just spread over a lot bigger time? Yeah, a little bit.
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, okay, so Operation World Without Cancer. How can people get involved or what can they do?
Speaker 1:Go to the website and search around, look at it. Basically, it's a nonprofit organization bringing all the the, the, uh, you know God, given metabolic answers to cancer. Let me just pull it up Uh, uh, ww. My kids said, dad, you don't need to say WWW, uh, we have it. Explains what operational without cancer is about coalition partners, people that are partnering with us to get this word out there, and this is free, you can see. G Edward Griffin is right there, an organization called cancerdoctorcom, chris Beat Cancer, all these coalition partners that we've assembled so far. And then there's Healing Strong. What's that there's?
Speaker 3:Healing Strong.
Speaker 1:Yep Healing Strong. I did this kind of interview with the president of Healing Strong and we had a great time and so, yes, they are also part of our coalition partners. And then we have a connect button. So how you can get involved whether you want to be a partner, press, contact, subscribe. There's a donate button and you can share your story right here. Again, however you want to share your story. That's Operation World Without Cancer. That's how to get involved.
Speaker 1:We are currently looking for a. We're not just we're talking to several prominent US families about writing very large checks for the 501c3. That is Operation World Without Cancer. So we can start doing university studies, we can start sponsoring medical schools. You know with you know, take our money here, tell the story about natural, god-given answers to cancer, alongside of allopathic education. So all of these great things is what we're trying to do, but in the meantime, we just tell people learn about it, apply it to your own life and be one of those people that doesn't suffer. One of the one out of two people that they're predicting by 2030 is five short years from now. One out of every two human beings will die of cancer is projected to be dying of cancer in the next, by 2030. Awful horrible. Is projected to be dying of cancer in the next, by 2030. Awful, horrible, the genocide. We can reverse it all and wipe out cancer in that same period of time.
Speaker 3:Wow. So OperationWorldWithoutCancercom, don't worry about the W's, they'll take care of themselves. Well, john, thank you so much for sharing that. It's very inspiring, it's very positive, it just makes you feel good about this world, and I expect to see your face on the news hanging out with RFK.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he actually had me scheduled to be on his podcast probably about two months ago. Wow, just so happened. It got rescheduled twice, and the second time his mom happened to have a stroke that day. So it hasn't been rescheduled and he stopped doing his podcast. So I know he's inundated flooded. I haven't even attempted to probably get ahold of him. I'm letting him get through the processes. I'm not acting like I'm more important. We have time. I spend my time doing podcasts and getting the message out there. So eventually he and I will talk in person about this issue, and I know he's going to have his jaw dropped.
Speaker 1:His uncle was on the Senate committee when my dad went to Washington DC along with cancer survivors and other doctors, to present Laetrile to the Senate when they were about to ban it. They're about to say that Laetrile couldn't be used and they stopped them from banning it. So it's never been banned. It's never been made illegal. All you can't do is promote it as a treatment or cure for cancer, and I don't. I just tell people the case history. So that's been accomplished and now we need to accomplish the fact of stopping the lies and getting the truth out there.
Speaker 1:So, thank you, Jim. I appreciate you having me on here. It's been a pleasure and I hope we get to do this again.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm playing pickleball with RFK this afternoon. Maybe I'll mention your name.
Speaker 1:Fantastic. I hope you are playing pickleball.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't think it's going to happen, but anyway, thank you so much again. It was good to talk to you again.
Speaker 1:All right, well, god bless you, jim, take care, have a great day.
Speaker 2:You've been listening to the I Am Healing Strong podcast. A part of the Healing Strong organization. We hope you found encouragement in this episode, as well as the confidence to take control of your healing journey, knowing that God will guide you on this path. Healing Strong is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to connect, support and educate individuals facing cancer and other diseases through strategies that help to rebuild the body, renew the soul and refresh the spirit.
Speaker 2:It costs nothing to be a part of a local or online group. You can do that by going to our website at healingstrongorg and finding a group near you or an online group, or start your own, your choice. While you're there, take a look around at all the free resources. Though the resources and groups are free, we encourage you to join our membership program at $25 or $75 a month. This helps us to be able to reach more people with hope and encouragement, and that also comes with some extra perks as well. So check it out. If you enjoyed this podcast, please give us a five-star rating, leave an encouraging comment and help us spread the word. We'll see you next week with another story on the I Am Healing Strong podcast.