I AM HealingStrong
Discover how to transform the most challenging chapter of your life with Jim Mann's inspiring podcast. As a stage 4 cancer survivor, and a HealingStrong Group Leader, Jim interviews famous musical artists like Tasha Layton, Ellie Holcomb, Katy Nichole, and Tim Timmons, as well as health influencers who beat incurable diseases like depression and addiction. Through humor and a renewed sense of purpose, guests courageously share their stories of overcoming the toughest times and learning to trust God. Tune in to Jim's powerful podcast to find hope and inspiration.
I AM HealingStrong
115: Detoxification, Immune Therapies, and Environmental Toxins in Rising Young Adult Cancer | Dr. Tony Jimenez
This episode discusses the alarming rise of cancer in young adults, examining the environmental, dietary, and emotional factors involved. The conversation emphasizes holistic healing, the role of detoxification, and practical strategies for reducing health risks related to toxins and EMF exposure.
• Discussion on increasing cancer rates among young adults
• Exploration of environmental toxins and lifestyle choices
• Importance of detoxification and nutrition
• Insights into the role of emotional and spiritual health in healing
• Overview of non-toxic cancer treatments and the seven principles of care
• Proactive strategies for managing EMF exposure
• Hope and empowerment through community support and personal action
A special thank you to Dr. Tony for this episode, and corporate partnership with HealingStrong
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I encourage all of you, no matter if you think that you know everything is great in your life. You had a happy childhood. You know your kids love you, your parents loved you, your spouse loves you. We're humans and we live in this world, and so we all have a backpack of stuff, right, and so we need to get the stuff out of the backpack, and then the healing happens in not a linear fashion, but it happens in a quantum fashion, like leaps and bounds of healing.
Speaker 2:You're listening to the I Am Healing Strong podcast, a part of the Healing Strong organization, the number one network of holistic cancer support groups in the world. Each week we bring you stories of hope, real stories that will encourage you as you navigate your way on your own journey to health. Now here's your host stage four cancer thriver, jim Mann.
Speaker 3:Dr Tony from Hope for Cancer. So good to have you along with us. I believe this is the third time you've been on our episode, so you did something good the last two times.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much, jim. It's my gift to be on the Healing Strong platform because it's a very important group of people that are helping and giving hope to many. So we had a small prayer before we went on live and Jim prayed about hope and about what's happening and how it's needed now in the world of cancer level journal, the Lancet just published this year, in 2024, recently, and it's titled Cancer is on the Rise in Young Adults More Than Ever. So why more than ever? Right, we've been in this quest to find better options in cancer besides chemotherapy, radiation and surgery and immunotherapy, and they talk about in this publication that between 1990 and 2019, the cases of cancer in young people across the world increased by 79% and deaths rose. The death rate rose by 28%. This is just unheard of.
Speaker 1:And where is all this creature going? 17 cancers that are on the rise for young adults, and you name them colorectal cancer, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, stomach, leukemia, breast cancer. You know, the list goes on and on. And this is exactly, jim and everyone at Haley's Journal, what we are seeing now at Hope for Cancer Younger patients with cancer. Then we have all those statistics Younger patients with cancer, more aggressive cancers and patients that were in remission, coming out of remission, and so there's something obviously contributing to this, and there are many thoughts, of course, jim, on this, whether it's related to the COVID pandemic, environmental pollution, toxicities, you know, the water quality and so forth, and that's all of it. It's all of it that is participating in these findings.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I would imagine you know there's so many more toxins that are out there obviously contributing to that. And of course, the cell phone. I mean, I'm sure there's a rise in brain cancer because of the cell phone when you put that up against your head. Yeah, we don't really know down the road how that will affect things, because that's still a fairly new thing. And then the AirPods that so many people have. They live. One of my kids lives with those in his ears. I keep telling him. I say you don't need to do that, get something with wires. I finally convinced him to at least just put the headphones with wires on them. I said it's not as cool looking but it'll be very cool down the road, much more than the other ones.
Speaker 1:Yeah, definitely EMF toxicity is a big player here and especially, as you mentioned, young children and young adults. When their brain is still developing, they're more susceptible to mutations and things going wrong. So definitely what we found and others have confirmed this in studies is that the three main toxicities now number one is aluminum, number two is glyphosate, and that's the Roundup Monsanto, and then number three is exactly what you're talking about, Jim is EMF electromagnetic field radiation. So if we start off with detoxing and eliminating those three major toxicities that we're exposed to, it will give us a head start right. And going back to this Lancet publication, it says suspected causes. This is a peer-reviewed conventional journal saying suspected causes of this higher incidence of cancer in young adults, increased rates of obesity, dietary habits, and here it is environmental toxins, chemicals that were introduced in the 50s and 60s, and then the fourth one that they mentioned is early life exposures to cancer causing substances right Even from the mom to the child.
Speaker 1:So the good thing is that these are things that we can be proactive about and we should live a life of detoxification is what I always say.
Speaker 1:We should detox every day, and I'm not the best example, but I do my best and every morning I start off with a prayer and I thank the Lord for another day, and then one of the first things I do in the morning is to do a coffee enema, because the liver is the biggest organ of detoxification after the skin. So it is said that if the liver is challenged, the whole body is challenged, right? So I like to start off with a coffee enema. I add filigit. Filigit is a resin that comes from the Himalayas, the high mountain altitude area, and it's basically humic acid and folic acid, and this is a binder, also to help get rid of toxins, and for me, it even gives me energy. Right, I feel better cognitive health and feel like, wow, now let's go. Let's go. Whatever hits me this day. You know, I'm in a better situation to to take it straight on right now I'm drinking my dandelion root tea.
Speaker 3:That helped me to detox amen to that.
Speaker 1:I'll cheer you on now because I have some tea is here as well look at us, we're so healthy, yeah.
Speaker 3:But I do have a question, like obviously in this world it's going to be worse and worse, the uh, the emfs. I mean it's hard to avoid that because I mean towers are going up everywhere, and what kind of prevention? Or obviously we can't totally get away from it, but what can we do to kind of get around that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's some things we can definitely do and they don't cost us much, and it just costs us to be proactive and make those decisions and, as you said, teaching our children right, simple things that are very powerful, like removing or distancing ourselves from radiation, emf, 5g, wi-fi as much as possible. So one thing is shut off your wi-fi at night. You're not going to be checking your emails when you're asleep, so you don't need wi-fi. Shut that off. Get a grounding sheet or grounding pillowcase and ground yourself. Don't charge your cell phone on your night table. That cell phone should be at least 10, 15 feet away from your bed, preferably more. Put it in the bathroom, put it in your office or somewhere away in the kitchen from your bedroom and get a good night's sleep, because from 10 pm to 2 am is when the body restores, regenerates, repairs and heals, and so prepare yourself for a good night's sleep, and that has to do a lot with light exposure and dirty electricity and all this.
Speaker 1:The other thing is going to nature right, being in nature, being outdoor as much as possible, and, of course, nutrition. The closer we are to the garden, god's creation, the healthier it is. There's a lot of foods that are detoxing in nature. Juicing is a big deal, right, because juicing is the best way to detox the blood, for example. And so a lot that we could do with nutrition, with preventing close exposures to these electromagnetic fields, and also detoxing doing liver gallbladder cleanses every few months, doing a parasite cleanse, because when there's an environment in the body that favors cancer, you first have EMFs, you have heavy metal, you have parasites, and so we need to not create that favorable environment for cancer to thrive or to develop in the first place.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, a lot of things we could do. Hydration, of course, right, jim, so important. Half of your body weight in ounces tends to be the rule of thumb for hydration. Make it clean, filtered water. If you want to go a bit higher with that, then hydrogen water is what I recommend, because the most abundant element in the universe and every biochemical reaction in the body requires hydrogen, and at the cell level it has been shown that hydrogen stores can be a bit low or depleted. So hydrogen water is another key component for health and detoxing and also decreasing the effects of this electromagnetic field of radiation.
Speaker 3:Okay, and I was mentioning to you before we started recording that I don't know how many episodes we've done 110, 120, somewhere around there but I hear, of course. I hear about Chris Wark and Chris B Cancer and his square one, and then I always hear about Hope for Cancer which, in case you know, maybe someone's listening to this episode. As the first one, we are talking to Dr Tony, who is the founder and chief medical officer at the Hope for Cancer Treatment Centers, which are in Mexico. There's two locations still right.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, one in Tijuana, mexico, south of San Diego, california, that we opened in the year 2000. And then the Cancun Center we opened in the year 2015. So, as you can see, we've been around for a long time. I personally have over 30 years in the integrative cancer field.
Speaker 3:Is there ever a time that you should use chemo? I mean, obviously there's such a bigger world to healing, but is there ever a time to use chemo?
Speaker 1:The answer is yes. We are one of my seven key principles that form the foundation of our therapy at Hope for Cancer. The first one is non-toxic cancer therapy. But that being said, jim, and everyone listening is sometimes we have to give what we call IPT, insulin potentiation therapy, which is lower dose chemotherapy, very effective, much less harsh on the body. Patients are not lying around in bed sick and vomiting and diarrhea and so forth, and because they come with so much tumor burden, just a lot of cancer. And so you, especially those patients that have not received chemo before, they may have and oftentimes have a very good response, not, jim, as a means to an end but as part to debulk, to decrease tumor load, while we're following all the seven key principles right. So there is time when chemo is needed, we prefer to do it in a low-dose fashion. Time when chemo is needed, we prefer to do it in a low-dose fashion. There is time when radiation is needed.
Speaker 1:We had a patient recently that had metastasis from a breast cancer to her lower back and the pain was excruciating. So what is better to put her on high-pain medication that may include narcotics like morphine and opioids, or to give her five to seven spot radiation sessions to that affected back area. Well, obviously, the radiation which is targeted, we call it spot radiation. Five to seven sessions, and guess what? Her pain was 95% better and she didn't need to take any morphine, which suppresses the immune system and suppresses healing.
Speaker 1:So there are times, jim, when radiation has also an indication and, of course, surgery, the third part of all this right. If someone has an occlusion or an obstruction, we need to remove that obstruction surgically. Oftentimes patients that have liver metastasis also have bile duct obstruction. So in that case our surgeon places a stent, which is a little catheter, to open up that compressed or collapsed bile duct, and so you put that stent in in a minimally invasive procedure and then the bile starts to flow, the yellowness goes away, the itching goes away and then you have time to continue with the treatment plan. So it's truly how and when, using our wisdom and our experience and the patient's feedback, when to utilize these toxic therapies Of course the problem is that so much of the medical community, that's all their training.
Speaker 3:So it's like, hey, you got cancer, let's bring out the chemo radiation and if they can survive that then they don't change anything else. And of course usually eventually they don't survive it because the cancer is not gone, it comes back. So the good thing about hope for cancer, first of all, the good thing is, the first word in there is hope, because we all need the hope. If we don't have hope, your body is just chances of it. Recovering is not that good. If your mentality is, I have no hope. But when you come to your place and you do and I know we've touched on several of them already, but the seven key principles of cancer therapy, well, why don't we just touch on each one of those briefly?
Speaker 1:Well, I'll start with what I considered the most. They're all key principles, right, but one of them always stands out and also, because it's oftentimes not addressed in the best of cancer hospitals in the world and I'm talking about even integrative alternative cancer hospitals For sure, it's not addressed in the conventional hospital setting, but that's the emotional, spiritual health, and this is so, so important. As a matter of fact, my second book that will be published and released in March of 2025, just a short few months away is called Emotions and Cancer, and the reason I'm writing that as my second book is because I have seen in my 30 plus years of experience in oncology that unless we really go to the root causes from an emotional, spiritual perspective, root causes from an emotional, spiritual perspective, it's going to be tough for the physical body to heal, and I believe we heal from the spiritual, emotional, mental and then the physical body. And so that is a very, very key principle, and I encourage all of you, no matter if you think that everything is great in your life. You had a happy childhood, you know your kids love you, your parents loved you, your spouse loves you, neighbors, we're Hebrews and we live in this world, and so we all have a backpack of stuff right, and so we need to get the stuff out of the backpack and then the healing happens in not a linear fashion, but it happens in a quantum fashion, like leaps and bounds of healing. So I encourage all the listeners and viewers to focus on that emotional, spiritual, health and recovery and releasing these conflicts and traumas. We call it the BEST program, b-e-s-t, and that stands for behavioral, emotional and spiritual transformation, and that's really what it is, because when you do the releasing and you do this work and the letting go, transformation happens at many levels, including the physical body, at many levels, including the physical body. So, if I go on with the other ones I mentioned non-toxic cancer therapies, the emotional, spiritual the other one is the microbiome and oftentimes we think about the gut, right, but the gut-brain connection, but the microbiome of the whole body, the microbiome of our skin, the dental or a microbiome that's a big one, because we cannot heal when we have toxicity in our mouth and root canals and metal fillings and so forth. The other toxicity that we need to oftentimes you know it's not addresses emotional toxicity.
Speaker 1:I often, oftentimes say that a negative thought can kill you faster than a bad germ. So let's turn those negative thoughts to positive thoughts, to optimism. It doesn't matter what your oncologist told you with respect to, oh, you know, you have six months to live. At best, if you do this chemo and so forth, you could have two years to five years. Well, who can say that? Right, and you mentioned the word hope several times, jim, and no one can take your hope away but yourself, right? Don't let anyone in. Hope is a gift that we receive from our Creator, and so God has given us that hope, and so don't allow anyone to take that hope away from you. So that's very important. Obviously, the microbiome. And then the next key principle is detoxification. I mentioned that we need to live a life of detoxification.
Speaker 1:And the next key principle is nutrition, and that's often one that you know it's a lot of confusion. That will be a whole show on nutrition, right? But you mentioned Chris Wark in his square one. A lot to be said about his information there with nutrition. I want to leave you with one thought, however. Uh, chris, and I agree that we should be plant-based, right? Uh, and that's, we call it the garden food plan at hope for cancer. The closer we are to the garden, the better it is, but make sure your nutrition is personalized for you, right? So work for Chris or work for Dr Tony or someone else. That doesn't mean that's exactly your nutrition plan. Broccoli may not be good for you, jim, even though there's 20 studies or 30 studies on broccoli and its benefit, but it might not be good for you. So the key point here is make nutrition personalized and individualized for yourself.
Speaker 1:And then the next key principle is oxygenation, and oftentimes we are low, shallow breathers. We take a deep breath and it feels uncomfortable. So anything that you could do with oxygenation is key to health and recovery and healing. And just get out 10 minutes a day. Don't give me a marathon every week. Just give me 10, 15 minutes a day or every other day. Do some flexibility. Do some lightweight, resistant workouts and the aerobic with walking and then stretching flexibility. If you could do those three things and there's no reason you can't this is a great investment for your health. The amount of muscle mass that one has is directly proportional to our lifespan, meaning the greater muscle mass and I'm not talking about being like Arnold Schwarzenegger, I'm just talking about fat versus muscle mass, right? So the more muscle mass we have, the healthier we will live and the luckier we will live, the better cognitive health we will have, meaning the pain will work better, right. So oxygenation is key.
Speaker 1:And then the last one that I want to talk about is the immune.
Speaker 1:We call it immunomodulation. That's key principle number seven. And to that aspect I just want to mention briefly that at Hope for Cancer we just rolled out our next bestest I don't know if bestest is a word, but our next and bestest bioimmunotherapy. This is a biological, non-toxic immunotherapy that is comprised of five substances or five different products, all coming together to have tremendous benefit for both the quick acting immune system and the long-term immune system. So these five products four are oral, three are capsules, one is liquid and then the fit product is injectable, so it's done under the skin like an insulin shot twice a week. Twice a week, and we like that to be for about three months.
Speaker 1:But this is a very important bioimmunotherapy that we just rolled out Took years in the makings and a lot of work and research. We're calling it, jim and everyone, davida D-A and then Vida V, as in Victor I-D-A, and the reason I came up with that name is in Spanish or Latin, davida means to give life, and so this is giving life to the immune system, and the immune system is very complex. So we believe that with this DaVida bioimmunotherapy, which is non-toxic, we're really upregulating the immune system at multiple, many levels and it is safe, effective and non-toxic with respect to the immune system. So we're really excited about the DaVita bioimmunotherapy as our latest offering in our efforts always to bring the best of the best to our patients.
Speaker 3:I don't know if you remember or not, but I went through immunotherapy for my stage four melanoma, but it was Opdivo, which. How does that compare to something like that? I mean, obviously that's not obvious in anything because I'm not good with the medical world, but is that more toxic because it's a chemical, or what's the story there?
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's a good thought and question, jim. This is why we call these bio-immunotherapies, versus the toxic immunotherapies that you refer to, like the Abdevos, the Gervois, the Keytruda and these conventional immunotherapies. They target, jim, a specific receptor on the cancer cells. So when you had melanoma with the Abdevo, those melanoma cells needed to have a specific receptor on the cell membrane so that the abdevo could go in there like a locking key and affect the tumor. But if some of those melanoma cells because they're never always the same if they didn't have those same receptors, the abdevo was not going to do anything right Because it's based on the receptors.
Speaker 1:With any of those Keytruda, abdevo, gervoy or other immunotherapies when we talk about the Vita, for example, being a biological immunotherapy we're upregulating your own immune system, your God-given immune system, independently of these receptors and thereby upregulating your immune system so that your immune system could attack the cancer and have a favorable response without toxic side effects. So think about it like this how many children do you have, jim, if I can ask Four, four, four, okay. Same dad? Yep, yes, same mom? Yes, are those four children the same? Do they look alike? Do they behave alike? Do they think alike?
Speaker 3:I keep thinking they're adopted. But yeah, they're all different.
Speaker 1:Definitely they're all different, so they're all different. So let's say a cancer originates in the breast and it metastasizes, let's say, to the liver or to the lung, or even within the breast there's multiple tumors, right, all those kids are not the same, like your four kids are not the same. They came from the same mom and dad. My six kids are not the same, like your four kids are not the same. That came from the same mom and dad. My six kids are not the same and so the cancer cells are not the same. So when you give to answer your question when you give those Abdevo and Dervoid and those immunotherapies, it might hit one of the kids because he or she has that receptor, but they're all different kids. So you were blessed that I don't know the full story, but Abdevo helped you a lot and of course I know there was many other things, but because Abdevo is not going to cure any cancer, there was a combination of many other things.
Speaker 3:Yes, yeah, I had like eight tumors, I think it was throughout my body and they all shrunk within the first two months of this and I had very few side effects. So I think I'm very fortunate. Yes, because I know some people have some crazy side effects or some of them. I know one friend his tumors doubled and that's not a good thing.
Speaker 1:That's not a good thing. Yes, yes, so yeah we're blessed and we're happy for those results, but you said that they shrunk. What happened? Now I'm asking you questions. What happened after the tumors shrunk?
Speaker 3:Well, I've had a few scans past that and you know, and there's a few of them where the tumors were there's just a little mark on there. They said they assume that's just scar tissue, okay, and in fact, coming up in a couple of months, they want me to do an MRI. We're going to do one last scan, we're going to do an MRI and then, if it's the way we think it is, we'll just close the books on you. So I guess they're going to put me to sleep or something.
Speaker 1:And you should follow the seven key principles. You should continue drinking your dandelion tea, you should continue with the good nutrition, all the things you know. And I would recommend or suggest to you, jim, that you consider asking your doctor about a test called a Signaterra Signaterra I'm not sure if they've done that yet. It's S-I-G-N-A-T-E-R-R-A Signaterra. It might have one R, but it's signetera, and this is to look for circulating tumor cells. These are the cells that left the tumors and now they're circulating in the bloodstream. So the MRI might be negative and Lord willing it is and it will be negative. No tumors found in the MRI. But what if there are some circulating tumor cells that can be circulating for a year, two years, three years, five years and then show up somewhere? So with the Signatera test, which is a test done in the US, they could check for any circulating tumor cells and that will give you another data point which will give you a peace of mind right as to the risk of a recurrence or this thing being found somewhere at some point.
Speaker 3:Okay, yeah, I'll definitely do that. I have a good doctor. He actually he's against using chemo, but he doesn't have to. He's into like the latest immunotherapies I mean, they're all developing, of course, and he talks over my head so I'm not sure what he's talking about but he does know the importance of nutrition and exercise and mindset. So, yeah, he sees the big picture, so I'm kind of excited about that. But, yeah, he sees the big picture, so I'm kind of excited about that. But, yeah, definitely check that out.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's awesome and he was very wise. Obviously he knows that melanoma does not respond to chemotherapy, right? This is where immunotherapy is the first line of therapy and a lot of work was done, even with viruses, in melanoma, and that's a whole different story. But yeah, melanoma has its peculiarities that chemo is not indicated.
Speaker 3:Okay, I feel like you need to send me a bill, but I won't give you my address. Well, dr Tony, what's coming down the road for you other than the book that's coming out in March?
Speaker 1:I want to say we are opening, as of now, a wellness program, and so this is to be ahead of it, right where patients that are presumably healthy, they've had blood tests by their conventional doctors, they've had, you know, x-rays and ultrasound thyroid test, prostate check. But let's be more proactive on wellness. So we're very happy we have some great wellness diagnostic or assessment tools that go beyond blood testing, and there's many reasons for that. That's a long topic, uh, but yeah, good assessment sooner, quicker, finding potential dysfunctions in the body before they present themselves as a tumor, for example. Right, it's so important. So, really excited about the wellness program. I have participated myself in the wellness program, so I encourage the listeners, the viewers, to give yourself that gift, whether now, in the rest of 2024 or coming in 2025, to consider the Hope for Cancer Wellness, medical Wellness Program.
Speaker 3:Okay, and all that information, of course, is the hopeforcancercom, that's the hope and the number for cancercom. Well, dr Tony, it's always a pleasure talking to you. You actually talk on my level, so I appreciate that.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, I'm a simple guy from a small village. I have to understand myself as well. So we're on the same page, thank you.
Speaker 3:All right, well, thank you so much for taking the time to do this.
Speaker 1:Blessings to you, Jim, and to the Healing Strong family. We love you and blessings.
Speaker 2:You've been listening to the I Am Healing Strong podcast. A part of the Healing Strong organization. We hope you found encouragement in this podcast. A part of the Healing Strong organization. We hope you found encouragement in this episode, as well as the confidence to take control of your healing journey, knowing that God will guide you on this path.
Speaker 2:Healing Strong is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to connect, support and educate individuals facing cancer and other diseases through strategies that help to rebuild the body, renew the soul and refresh the spirit. It costs nothing to be a part of a local or online group. You can do that by going to our website at healingstrongorg and finding a group near you or an online group, or start your own, your choice. While you're there, take a look around at all the free resources. Though the resources and groups are free, we encourage you to join our membership program at $25 or $75 a month. This helps us to be able to reach more people with hope and encouragement, and that also comes with some extra perks as well. So check it out. If you enjoyed this podcast, please give us a five-star rating, leave an encouraging comment and help us spread the word. We'll see you next week with another story on the I Am Healing Strong podcast.