I AM HealingStrong
Discover how to transform the most challenging chapter of your life with Jim Mann's inspiring podcast. As a stage 4 cancer survivor, and a HealingStrong Group Leader, Jim interviews famous musical artists like Tasha Layton, Ellie Holcomb, Katy Nichole, and Tim Timmons, as well as health influencers who beat incurable diseases like depression and addiction. Through humor and a renewed sense of purpose, guests courageously share their stories of overcoming the toughest times and learning to trust God. Tune in to Jim's powerful podcast to find hope and inspiration.
I AM HealingStrong
106: PT.2 Overcoming Pancreatic Cancer with Faith, Community, and Holistic Healing | Kira Porter
Shakira Porter, who likes to be referred to as Kira and California HealingStrong Group Leader, faced an unexpected pancreatic cancer diagnosis at the age of 47, despite feeling like she led a seemingly healthy life. Kira continues her story of an urgent surgery and a challenging recovery. She candidly shares the unexpected moments, like finding irony in hospital meals and the profound relief of discovering her cancer was contained. Throughout her experience, Kira’s belief in a greater plan and her determination to trust in God’s path provided a peace as she prepared for the path that lay ahead.
The episode takes you through Kira's battle with cancer, marked by emotional and physical hurdles and encountering complications like hospitalization and COVID-19. She speaks on how these trials strengthened her reliance on her loved ones and faith community.
The journey of healing goes beyond physical treatment as Kira discovers the Square One program by Chris Wark, which changed her perspective on recovery. Celebrating a year with the program, Kira discusses the importance of addressing spiritual and emotional healing alongside physical health, leading her to establish a HealingStrong group in her own town. Her story highlights the power of support and education in overcoming life's toughest battles, and she invites listeners to join her on this path of hope and encouragement.
Contact Kira at:
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People would send me like, oh, the Lord put this on my heart. Like my sister-in-law She'd say the Lord put this verse on my heart today for you, and I just want you to know I'm thinking of you, and it would be Isaiah 41.10.
Speaker 1:And I'd be like oh that's the one from the semi truck, like that's so crazy and like just things like that. So I mean I felt comforted and I felt you know, I don't need to worry too much because you know, whatever happens it's the Lord's plan for me and he's gotten me through so much in my life.
Speaker 2:So I just trusted in God and, kind of you know, kept going, moving forward. You're listening to the I Am Healing Strong podcast, a part of the Healing Strong organization, the number one network of holistic cancer support groups in the world. Each week we bring you stories of hope, real stories that will encourage you as you navigate your way on your own journey to health. Now here's your host stage four cancer thriver, jim Mann.
Speaker 3:If you haven't listened to part one of Akira's story, I invite you to do that now, before we start part two. But even before that, I'd like to take a moment and recognize a partner of Healing Strong Barlow Herbal, led by owner and master herbalist Jane Barlow Christensen, offers potent herbal products. Jane is known for her expertise in herbal remedies and natural healing, with a focus on educating individuals about the health benefits of medicinal herbs for daily wellness. To learn more, go to BarlowHerbalcom and use Healing Strong 10 to save. And now here is part two of Kara's story.
Speaker 1:So I'm meeting with the pancreatic surgeon and he's basically telling me that I guess my cyst has like three out of four features for it being cancer. So he says I don't think you should wait two months to get this out. He's like I think you should do this as soon as possible. And he's like I can get you in next week for the distal pancreatectomy. And he's like, if you want to do that, I think I really think you should just get it out as soon as possible. And I talked it over with my husband real quick and we said, okay, yeah, let's do it, let's just go ahead and schedule it. And so I go on to do, you know, the blood work beforehand and all the scans and things that they need to do scans and things that they need to do. And a week later I went in and I had my surgery on June 8th of 2023. And I didn't know how extensive that surgery was, which was probably a good thing. I was nervous about it but, like you can read about it, but then experiencing it as a totally different thing. So I didn't realize that when I woke up, the pain that I would be in and I had like the tube coming out of my stomach with the little drain bag and stuff and it was. It was pretty rough. That was a pretty rough surgery and I'm on a liquid diet, which was hilarious, because when they brought me my liquid diet I had some broth but then everything else liquid was like high fructose corn syrup and like all these juices and things that you know. As I had been reading a little bit, I was just like I thought that you shouldn't have sugar when you have cancer. Like why are they giving us, you know, juice with high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup and all this kind of stuff? So that was kind of strange.
Speaker 1:In the hospital and I was there for about a week and the day before I left the pancreatic surgeon came in and that's when he said and he's like, I'm sorry he's like, but it is cancer, you have adenocarcinoma and he's like. You know it's stage one. And he said it doesn't seem to have spread anywhere. Your spleen was clean. You know they took out like 10 or 20 lymph nodes and he said everything was clean, there was no spread. He felt like it was pretty well contained, I guess, in the cyst, inside of the cyst. And then, you know, thankfully, when I read about biopsies. Now I've read about if they do a biopsy it can spread the cancer. So I kind of look at that benign test as God's hand on me as well, because had they actually hit the cancer cells it could have spread. You know, I don't know, but that's some of the stuff that I've read about it that you know the biopsies can be a little scary because it can spread the cancer.
Speaker 1:So I mean I was shocked, but I mean also he did prepare me for it that it was something that could potentially happen. And then he said I needed to start chemotherapy in about eight weeks. He said recover for eight weeks and then you're going to start chemo. And he weeks he said recover for eight weeks and then you're going to start chemo. And he's like you're young so you can handle it. They were saying all this kind of stuff to me a lot, which was hilarious. It's like I think you'll be totally fine on this chemo. He's like it's a really rough chemo treatment but he's like with your age and you're healthy, otherwise I think you're going to be totally fine with the chemotherapy. And so you know I went home two months.
Speaker 1:I'm just kind of you know, an emotional wreck about everything. Right, I'm praying a lot. I felt the Lord's presence with me throughout everything. You know, there were times where I'd be in prayer and ask the Lord to, like, you know, give me, you know, some kind of a message. Let me know you're here with me, and and I'd open my Bible to, like Psalm 103, or Psalm 20, which is another one of the ones that I repeatedly would, would see places or someone would send it to me. And in Psalm 20, he's like in times of trouble, may the Lord respond to your cry. And then, at the end, may he grant your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans. May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory, flying banners to honor our God. May the Lord answer all your prayers. And so that comforted me a lot throughout it, even though I was really scared about you know what had just happened.
Speaker 1:I really got heavy into scripture. I had Philippians four, six through seven, you know, next to my bed on like a giant piece of paper. So every day I would read it. And you know, peace of God, which transcends all understanding, you know, guard my heart in Christ Jesus. And and um, that helped me so much and I and I did you know people would send me like, oh, the Lord put this on my heart. Like my sister-in-law she'd say the Lord put this verse on my heart today for you, and I just want you to know I'm thinking of you and it would be Isaiah 4110.
Speaker 1:And I'd be like, oh, that's the one from the semi truck, like that's so crazy and like just things like that. So I mean, I felt comforted and I felt, you know, I don't need to worry too much because you know, whatever happens it's the Lord's plan for me and he's gotten me through so much in my life. So I just trusted in God and kind of, you know, kept going, moving forward. I'm a very type A personality. I plan everything, I've got my notes and I'm very organized. And so I met with the nurse navigator at City of Hope and they, you know, they give you all of like these are your medications, you need to take this one at this time and this one at this time, and then get this medication if you get diarrhea, and this medication if you're constipated, and then make sure you have this and this and this. And so I got all of my stuff together and I was like I don't want to do chemo. I really was not looking forward to doing chemo, but this was what my doctor said. You know, they said they met with the whole cancer board at the hospital, where they have like a radiologist and oncologist and the surgeon, and they all agreed like, yes, this is a standard of care. Like you need to do six months I think it was six months of full Farinox chemotherapy and for that particular chemotherapy you need to have a port placed because you go in on a Monday and you get like three of the different chemo infusions and then you leave with a fanny pack and you're still connected to it of another medication that stays for two days. So I would go home on Monday and then come back on Wednesday for them to take that bag off and unhook me and do all that kind of jazz. So I didn't want to get the port because I was scared to get it, but they said I had to.
Speaker 1:So I went and scheduled that and that port I don't know if it's called a surgery or but the procedure, um, it was horrible. It just was extremely painful. Um, I left in extreme pain. I had extreme pain in it for a couple of weeks afterwards and I was calling their office and saying I'm still not comfortable with this thing. It hurts so bad and I'm supposed to start chemo in a week.
Speaker 1:Like how am I going to start chemo if this thing, it hurts so bad and I'm supposed to start chemo in a week? Like how am I going to start chemo if this thing doesn't feel good and they're like you'll get used to it? It's just because you're a smaller frame and I had lost a good 15 pounds after the surgery and so I was pretty thin and they just kept saying I would get used to it and it would feel better eventually. And it didn't. So I went and I started my chemotherapy and at the end of that first week I ended up in the ER because I had gotten such horrible side effects from the full Farinox, apparently like my whole digestive system had just shut down and so I wasn't able to go to the bathroom. So I was hospitalized for that over the weekend. Um, they took care of that. I came home and then came down with covid, which I think I caught in the hospital.
Speaker 1:So yes so they pushed. They pushed my next um, my next treatment, back another week because I had to test negative for the COVID in order to come back and do the next chemo. So that happened and my whole family got COVID. We all got COVID from that and luckily it was more like a cold this time. So we all recovered and I went to the second chemo treatment Monday, got my bag Wednesday, went back, got it unhooked.
Speaker 1:Friday morning I woke up and took a shower and I looked in the mirror and the vein in my neck above the port was just completely bubbled out, just swollen, wow. And I looked at it and I didn't feel great. I kind of had a woozy feeling in my body and I just didn't feel right. And so my son was at school already and so I called my husband, who was downstairs, and I said I don't think this is good, like this doesn't look good and I don't feel right, something's up. And so we get in the car and we drive over to my oncologist and I walk up to them and I'm just like I don't have an appointment, but I need to see my doctor right now. And so he comes out and he looks at me and looks at my neck and he's like you got to go to the ER right now.
Speaker 1:He's like I think you have a blood clot. And I thought, oh okay, fabulous. So my husband and I get in the car and he called over so they knew I was coming and luckily we get there and they get me back right away. And they took great care of me at the ER and they did an ultrasound and they were doing all the tests and the doctor comes in and he's like you have blood clots all over. He's like you've got blood clots all around the port. He said there's a clot in your jugular vein that the port is going into. And he says and you have a pulmonary embolism in your left lung, so there's clots in my lungs. And he's like we have to take the port out. You've got to get the port out. And my husband had left to go pick up our son from school by that point and you know I was after he walked out I was just laying there alone in the hospital room and I was praying and I was like Lord, I don't know what you're doing with my life and I don't know what's going on right now, but I'm just going to trust you and go with the flow and just help me.
Speaker 1:And I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me and say you're okay, you don't need to do this anymore. And after that I was just kind of filled with that peace again. I just had a peace about it and a calmness. I wasn't scared anymore, I was just calm about it and I just knew I was like okay, I don't need to do the chemo. That's what God's saying to me, like I'm already healed, he's already taken care of it. And the doctor came back in and he's like we're going to admit you to the hospital and we're going to get you on a heparin drip right away and you're going to stay and we've got to get rid of the blood clots.
Speaker 1:And you know, my husband came back and I told him you know that okay now I've got blood clots Yay, just like he did, you know, the year before from the COVID and he had gotten put on Eloquist and and they had said you're going to need to go on Eloquist. And I was like, all right, I already know about Eloquist because my husband was just selling it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so we had. We had a bunch left in our cabinet so I stayed overnight and I just I couldn't sleep and the whole night in the hospital with the haperendrom I'd listened to worship music. I had my phone on. They had to keep me I mean, I think for most cancer patients they keep you isolated in your own room and stuff so they kept me away from like anybody else and I stayed overnight. I tried to sleep but I couldn't and I prayed and I listened to my worship songs on my phone and I was just filled with just this calmness about it that I'm already healed. God's already taken care of this. I'm okay. And this was the Lord stopping the chemo, because the chemo was not going to work out or I didn't need it or I was having a lot of side effects from it. So I just felt like that was kind of God's way of stopping it and saying no, you're done, you're done, you're not going to do this.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 1:And so I got to go home the next day and then I got to go pick up my Eloquus and started on my Eloquus pills and then after I think it was like after about a week they were able to remove the port and once I got that out I felt so much better because that thing just I was in so much pain. It was so uncomfortable. I could not wait to get rid of that port. And I know I was recovering from that and a neighbor of mine had recommended lymphatic massage and an osteopath and so I had scheduled appointments with them and I went to see the osteopath. And so I had scheduled appointments with them and I went to see the osteopath and I saw her twice and on my second visit with her she was like oh, I just want to let you know that I'm moving to Texas and so many people from LA are moving out of California. And she's like I'm moving to Texas next month, so I'm not going to be able to see you anymore.
Speaker 1:And I was just like oh man, what am I going to do? I'm like going to lymphatic massage but I don't know what to do. Like I don't know what else to do. So, as she's doing her treatment on me. I'm praying, and I'm praying to God. Lord, okay, so she's leaving. I Lord, okay, so she's leaving. I'm like so, god, can you please direct me to somebody else you know? Show me what to do here, like how do I keep myself healthy? God, like, can you?
Speaker 1:please guide me and lead me on to the next person or thing that I need to do so that I can get myself healthy. No-transcript was on the cover of People Magazine talking about how she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and that hers was like I think it was stage two, the endocrine tumor, and so she had a distal pancreatectomy. So I started following her on social media and I started listening to her podcast. She has a podcast as well called the Heal Squad, and so she's got a lot of people coming on talking about health and stuff. And so I'm having my lunch and I'm listening to her interview a woman who's talking about the body's fascia and the woman says, yeah, chris Wark used a rebounder during his cancer healing and I was like I don't know who that is, but I'm going to write that. So I write down Chris Wark and I don't know what a rebounder is. So I'm like Chris Wark rebounder, I write all that down and I'm done with that. And I go, I type it in Chris Wark and it comes up on his crispy cancer page and I'm like, okay, who's this guy? And he's got that great start here video that he does, and so I'm watching it.
Speaker 1:It's like 13 minutes long or something, and at the end of it he talks about his story, his diagnosis. He's talking about cancer and why do we get cancer and what is cancer? And I'm like, wow, this is really interesting. And then, right at the end, he says the last thing I want to say to you and I'm probably going to cry is he says the last thing I want to tell you and what I want you to do. He's like I want you to pray. And he says if you don't know Jesus, then ask Jesus to come into your life. And he's like if you do know Jesus, ask the Lord to guide you and to show you the way and to help you. And he will. He will be there and he will help you. And I just started bawling, crying, because I had literally just prayed that like two hours before. I had asked the Lord, lord, guide me, show me the way you know, guide me to the next person to help me, heal my body. And it was Chris and I didn't know he was a Christian or anything. And that was like the end of his video. And I'm just blown away and I'm like, wow, god, thank you. You know, that was like instant answer to prayers and, um, I couldn't believe it. And so I'm on his website and I start exploring everything. I watched the first module of square one that he has up there for free and, um, I'm just like filled with this hope and so excited and I'm like this is what I'm supposed to do. And my husband gets home and I'm just like honey, look what I found. God answered my prayers and there's this program and this is fantastic.
Speaker 1:And what's funny is like when I was going through the preparation for my chemo, I had like delay after delay, like my scan got delayed and then the paperwork from the insurance company got delayed and then the first one went bad. And then I got COVID and it was like it just didn't flow, like my, my treatment for the chemo wasn't flowing and it didn't feel good, you know, internally. And, um, feel good, you know internally. And when I found square one and Chris, it felt right, like everything just felt so good and I thought this is it, this is it, was good energy and it was like I'm going to do this. And that weekend I, you know, threw all the junk food out and I just completely did the radical changes, like he said, and I changed my diet, I changed everything. And you know, by that Monday morning I was like ready to go and I started on square one, like full on. And today is my one year anniversary on square one.
Speaker 3:Wow.
Speaker 1:That I made one year today that I've been on his program and on the diet with the juicing and everything, and so, yeah, and that changed my life and that was it. And I started doing the carrot juice and the vegan 90 days and stuff, and, yeah, and he talked a lot about healing strong. So I found healing strong through that and we didn't have a group here in my city. So when I started to get better and I started feeling really good about it, that's when I started preying on it and whether or not I should, you know, maybe start a group. And a dear friend of mine was diagnosed with lung cancer two months later in December. Yeah, and so I got her on the carrot juice right away, gave her Chris's books and she's doing amazing right now. She's doing so so well and her doctors told her that her cancer is like it's dormant right now, after having stage four lung cancer that had spread. It had spread to her bones and her brain and those are gone. Those lesions are gone. Since she's been on square one and she's she's taking like a chemotherapy pill for her lung cancer but she's also doing all the things in the square one program and and yeah, her cancer is dormant and that's just to me a Testament to the Lord and the Lord using me, you know, to help her.
Speaker 1:And then now we've started a Healing Strong group here in our town and we've just had our second meeting on Monday and we had three more people join us from the additional first group. So our group is growing already and it just it feels so good to be able to help other people and to be able to share this. And I always tell everyone I'm like the reason I'm so passionate about Healing Strong and about Chris' work is because God sent me here, god led me to them, and so I knew this was like that was just so amazing. And when I look back on everything I went through my life, like I saw all the signs that contributed to me getting cancer and I know, like having a traumatic childhood, it weakens your DNA. I guess it shortens the DNA chains, your DNA. I guess it shortens the DNA chains. I read that in this book actually I have it here Healing Before You're Cured. Roy Vontama.
Speaker 1:He's an oncologist here in Los Angeles and he talks a lot about that how traumatic childhoods can, because of the repressed emotions and because of being in fight or flight through your childhood, that that can damage your DNA and you're more susceptible to getting cancer as an adult. And so, even though I felt like I was a healthy person, you know, learning through Healing Strong and like with Chris's program as well, knowing that healing the body it's not just healing your body, it's healing your mind, it's healing your soul and your spirit and your emotional well-being All of those things kind of combined are what caused my cancer, I think, and I'm just grateful to God that we caught it so early that there are no signs of cancer in my body currently.
Speaker 1:In my last scans, everything's been coming back clean. My tumor markers went back to the normal range and my scans are all good. And I just give it all to God. Wow.
Speaker 3:Kara, you're a great interview. You didn't even need me here for current hour.
Speaker 1:Well, I am a talker, just by nature alone, I'm quite the talker.
Speaker 3:You did quite well. I mean, you just kept going on that story. First of all, you know, if you say, if you tell people you grew up in Hawaii, people probably react like man you're so lucky to grow up in Hawaii, so lucky yes. And yet you had quite a devastating childhood, something I cannot relate to. I grew up with June and Ward Cleaver.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that was my dream, Yep.
Speaker 3:Yeah, my parents never even argued, much less fight. Wow, and. I went to church. It seemed like every day, but three times a week at least, and I loved it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's like my husband. See, my husband grew up like that and I feel like God even put my husband in my life for a reason.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Because he lived the complete opposite life that I did and it was what I needed, and God knew that, so he gave me that family that I needed.
Speaker 3:Hearing your story like that, I'm like man. I hope there's a point where it gets better. And obviously when your husband came along, I thought you were going to say and then my husband you know he was already drinking I thought no, but yeah, I have a wonderful husband and I just adore his family.
Speaker 1:They've been just the biggest blessing in my life. Yeah, I'm very, very lucky and I know that that was God's hand in my life for sure.
Speaker 1:I know that that was God's hand in life for sure. Well, when I was a kid and when I got to like high school, I kind of got into like new age stuff a little bit, because I was searching, you know. So I was really into like crystals and, you know, praying to like my angels and doing my angel tarot cards and things like. I got into all that for a little bit. But then I also would find like a prayer book and so I bought it. I still have it to this day and it was like a Catholic prayer book but I would pray those prayers and I would always say to God and I think it was that influence of going to a Christian school, even just though I was six, seven years old, that made an impact in my life and I would pray to God and be like Lord. I've been through a lot but I'm going to keep trusting you and I know that you know things.
Speaker 1:Things will get better for me, like I had hope for my future, because I felt like, you know, if God gave me this kind of a childhood, then my future has got to be pretty darn good, right, Like I just kind of tried to think of it in that way. And then when I met my husband yeah for sure, that's when everything kind of fell into place and I got rid of the tarot cards and I got rid of the crystals and all those things and and just started to trust in Jesus and the Lord. And yeah, he's, he's been there for me. You know, even though I've gone through so much, he's given me signs. I've had those God winks, you know those undeniable.
Speaker 1:God winks in my life. So I, yeah, I just trust in him. And and even through the whole cancer diagnosis and everything, there were points where I felt like wow, lord, I don't know why you're doing this to me. Like why, why am I suffering? You know, after I was hospitalized, I was like why, why are you putting me through this? And I was like there's got to be a reason. I'm just going to keep trusting in you, god. And then I got through it. I got through it and today I feel great. I feel so good and I feel so blessed and I feel like maybe God gave me all of these experiences so that I could be a group leader and that now I can help and bless other people.
Speaker 3:Yeah, your relationship with God is deeper. Yeah, and your priorities are probably being better. I mean, that's how I was once I got through the cancer. Everything you know is different. Like oh, that's really not important? And this is you know.
Speaker 1:Yes, the things that would stress me before, they don't bother me anymore and I don't get worked up about things that I used to, you know, because now I I have such a greater appreciation for life and for things.
Speaker 1:Yeah, comes in handy during this political time yeah, especially right now and in this day and age and raising a 10 year old son, you know in this like it's really hard and you feel like the world is up against our morals and our beliefs and what the Bible says and it is hard. But I've got my son in a Christian school as well. He's going to a Christian school and we're trying to raise him that way and, yeah, I love it.
Speaker 3:I love it.
Speaker 1:And I feel very blessed. I'm so very blessed now.
Speaker 3:Wow, that's feel very blessed. I'm so very blessed now.
Speaker 1:Wow, that's a good story. Thank you Well, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share it.
Speaker 3:It sounds like you need to stay away from Disney, though, because both parks you know you had issues there.
Speaker 2:I know, I know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the last time we went back to Disneyland there was a little bit of PTSD happening where I was like, okay, I'm going to be okay, right, Like I was fine. Yeah, we had a good day.
Speaker 3:Well, that's good. Well, I'm so glad that you're cancer-free and your friend is doing so well and you get that group going and LA needs that, so that's fantastic. So how can people get a hold of you?
Speaker 1:Well, we have our email. I think it's gosh, I don't know it off the top of my head. If you go to the Healing Strong, right, the Healing Strong.
Speaker 3:Strongorg.
Speaker 1:Yeah, healingstrongorg, and you search for Santa Clarita, we're in Santa Clarita, california. If you put in any of the zip codes, I think it'll show you all of the California groups that are on.
Speaker 3:So we're in Valencia and Santa Clarita, california. All right, yeah. Next time I'm swinging through there, which I never do, we're by Six Flags Magic Mountain, if you like, roller coasters. Oh, I used to. Now it just feels different.
Speaker 1:Oh, I've never liked them, but that's what we're known for here in Valencia.
Speaker 3:Okay, yeah, I've been to Oakland and San Diego, that's it.
Speaker 1:Oh, my goodness, You've never been to LA.
Speaker 3:No.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow.
Speaker 3:I know Weird right.
Speaker 1:You'll have to come visit sometime.
Speaker 3:I know I need to do that. It sounds scary to me right now.
Speaker 1:No, I need to do that. It sounds scary to me right now. Yeah, maybe not right now. We'll wait till after November 5th and see what happens.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'll wait a little and see if it's safe to come. Yeah, All right. Well, thank you so much for doing this and it was great to meet you and I'm really glad that your story is now remarkable and you're able to share with other people and help them through all that scary time that comes with the diagnosis. So yeah. Yeah, thank you.
Speaker 1:Well, thank you so much, Jim, for this and for what you do.
Speaker 2:I appreciate that You've been listening to the I Am Healing Strong podcast. A part of the Healing Strong organization. We hope you found encouragement in this episode, as well as the confidence to take control of your healing journey, knowing that God will guide you on this path. Healing Strong is a non-profit organization whose mission is to connect, support and educate individuals facing cancer and other diseases through strategies that help to rebuild the body, renew the soul and refresh the spirit. Help to rebuild the body, renew the soul and refresh the spirit.
Speaker 2:It costs nothing to be a part of a local or online group. You can do that by going to our website at healingstrongorg and finding a group near you or an online group, or start your own, your choice. While you're there, take a look around at all the free resources. Though the resources and groups are free, we encourage you to join our membership program at $25 or $75 a month. This helps us to be able to reach more people with hope and encouragement, and that also comes with some extra perks as well. So check it out. If you enjoyed this podcast, please give us a five-star rating, leave an encouraging comment and help us spread the word. We'll see you next week with another story on the I Am Healing Strong podcast.