I AM HealingStrong

89: Stage 3 Breast Cancer, Stress & Surrendering to God's Sovereignty | Julie DeKam

HealingStrong Episode 89

Julie DeKam faced a breast cancer diagnosis in December 2015. Though she considered herself healthy prior to her diagnosis, she realized this new trial would leap her into new and deeper levels of her faith. Julie found a peace that surpasses all understanding from Psalm 18:30, helping her embrace the journey that lay ahead. Her courage shines through in this podcast episode, where her powerful testament to the strength found in faith, community, and the HealingStrong network comes to life. As we sit down with Julie, she uncovers the emotional roller coaster of prioritizing her own health as a mother and homeschooler, and how the metaphor of securing your own oxygen mask first, resonates deeply with her story of discipline.

Venturing into the world of alternative cancer strategies after learning she no longer had to continue with conventional, Julie begins to forge her own path in treatment. Rejecting the conventional route, she embarks on a holistic approach, guided by Chris Warks Square One program's pillars of nutrition, exercise, stress management and more. Her journey, underscored by the guidance of a Naturopath and the inspiring advocacy work of Chris Wark, ignites the monumental improvements and hormone regulation achieved through a plant-based diet and individualized care.

The conversation also discussed the unfortunate circumstances of loss, but triumph, as a homeschool mom who confronts cancer amidst personal trials, including a friend's passing and her own divorce. Through these challenging times, Julie discovers a new level of depth in her relationship with God, along with a newfound relationship offering rays of hope. We end the episode with a focus on HealingStrong, a faith based nonproft supporting those with cancer and chronic illness by delving into the organization's pillars of nourishing the body, renewing the soul of those in healing, and how listeners can contribute to spreading this message of hope and renewal. Join us for these inspiring stories that not only touch the heart, but also offer practical strategies and encouragement for those walking a similar path.

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Speaker 1:

One of the verses I kind of clung to was just Psalm 1830, like God's ways are perfect. And what I was reminded through, especially like my pastor's sermons during that early time when I was diagnosed, was like it's not like God has a plan B. It's not like I get diagnosed and God's like oh, I made a mistake, you know, let me fix this. You know no, like he had me specifically go down this path for a reason. It makes more, even more sense now.

Speaker 2:

You're listening to the I Am Healing Strong podcast, a part of the Healing Strong organization, the number one network of holistic cancer support groups in the world. Each week we bring you stories of hope, real stories that will encourage you as you navigate your way on your own journey to health. Now here's your host stage four cancer thriver, jim Mann.

Speaker 3:

I will say probably 90% of the interviews I have done with Healing Strong. People have heard about Healing Strong through a guy named Chris Wark. It's always shocking when someone goes no, I've not heard of him, what, what's wrong with you? But today we have a story that it's like that on steroids. We're talking with Julie DeCam. I said that correctly, didn't I?

Speaker 1:

You did Good job.

Speaker 3:

And this is going to be a good story because we've tried to schedule this many times. In fact, I think I was like 27 when we started trying to schedule this and now I am not 27, but finally was able to connect and looking forward to hearing your story, and it started back. I believe you got your diagnosis in 2015.

Speaker 1:

Is that right? I did Yep In December 2015. Yep.

Speaker 3:

Just barely in that year. What was happening in your life before that? I mean, just give us a little background on yourself.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, we were moving around a lot across the East Coast. I'm originally from Canada and married an American, so came over and started a family and lived in a lot of states on the East Coast and then eventually ended up in Arizona and that's where I am now. I was homeschooling all that time. So pretty much when my oldest daughter got into second grade I started homeschooling her and just really wanted to be that the God centered influence in her life, wanting also to be because we moved around a lot, wanted to be a consistent have her, have a consistent education. And so the Lord put that on my heart and at first I was like, okay, I'm taking it year by year, but then before we knew it, we had, you know, many years under our belt. And then I had my second daughter and homeschooled her and we ended up here in Arizona and just plugged into our church and serving there and in October I found a lump and I was pretty healthy overall.

Speaker 1:

So it kind of surprised me that I would even have found a lump. And I found a lump and I was pretty healthy overall. So it kind of surprised me that I would even have found a lump and I was a little bit in denial. To tell you the truth, I didn't think it was going to be a cancer diagnosis. I was like, huh, what's this? And in my left breast, and I went to my family doctor and she was like, hey, let's send you for a mammogram. And I could feel like the lump was pretty large and I was just like I can't see how doing a mammogram on that lump is a good idea. Could you just send me for an ultrasound? And she's like you know what we can't do that your insurance requires you to have a mammogram first. So I left there and I was upset, and then I actually was like, oh, I had heard about a thermography. So I left there and I was upset and then I actually was like, oh, I had heard about thermography.

Speaker 1:

So I said, okay, let's try this thermography. And I went there and I even pointed to where the lump was and the doctor assessed you know the images and stuff. And he was like you know, I don't think this is cancer, I think you're just need it's like hormones and you need to do a gallbladder and liver cleanse. And so in my mind I was like, yeah, this is not cancer. So like three months went by and I did all the things he said to do.

Speaker 1:

And people were like don't you want to just know for sure? Like don't you want to do a biopsy and just check it out? And so I was like, okay, I went to a different doctor and I said, you know, I really just don't want to have this mammogram. Can you send me for an ultrasound? And she was like, sure, and my insurance paid for it. So I was a little bit upset that three months went by and I you know I didn't get to do that sooner. But I went and did a biopsy and of course it was cancer and I was a little bit like in a daze, like I didn't know what to think.

Speaker 3:

Wow, yeah, that didn't make for a good day, did it?

Speaker 1:

No, it's. You're definitely like, okay, deer in headlights a little, you know, it kind of brings the brevity of life, the seriousness of life. You're just looking like, okay, my purpose here is to serve my family, raise my daughters, teach my daughters, you know, keep them sheltered a little bit and protect them from the world. Not, I don't need to focus on me, and you know, my youngest had some health issues, so I was always more focused on my kids. And now, all of a sudden, everything was looking in on me and I was just like, okay, I have to take care of myself or else I can't take care of them very well.

Speaker 3:

So it's the old oxygen mask coming down in the airplane. You got to put that on first. Yes, for sure it seems selfish, but it's logical. Now the doctors they wanted you to do just the conventional stuff, because that's pretty much what they know.

Speaker 1:

I did double mastectomy and then it came back like I had stage three invasive ductal carcinoma and of course the pressure started to come in, you know. But ironically it was at the same time that I got my diagnosis my pastor at our church was doing a series on the providence of God and that was really cool. I was like thank you, lord, for this timing, because I'm reminded, of course I know, but it's like the renewal of your mind that God is sovereign, he controls every aspect of every detail in the universe and every cell in my body and he controls the number of days that I'm here. So it's just, it was really um, perfect, you know, god's divine and perfect timing that those messages were kind of being inputted in my head. But at the same time I did have a lot of pressure from the doctors and so of course, the chemo radiation around the table and then an aromatase inhibitor, and I felt a tremendous amount of pressure and I didn't really have a plan. I had not. I didn't know about Chris. I knew about clinics in Mexico and in the U? S and they were out of my price point and I was like I didn't have like an idea of what I would do Otherwise. People were like, hey, you need to be here for your kids, your homeschool mom you need, you know you need to do this. So I just was like you know what? I don't have a plan, so I'm just gonna move forward with chemo.

Speaker 1:

So I did six sessions of chemo and a friend of mine had heard about Chris beat cancer and right after my last session of chemo she shared his website with me and here I am like looking at all of the survivor interviews and there's a lot of breast cancer survivor interviews on his site too. And I'm just getting inspired like, oh, I see a common thread, I see what these people are doing. And then I found his square one program and I was like, wow, this is actually what I've been wanting to do and some of the research and the 20 questions for your oncologist like everything was kind of coming together. And so I get the courage and I'm like I'm going into my oncologist and I'm going to tell him I'm not doing his thing anymore. And my husband at the time comes in with me and we knew we had discussed like we're telling we're basically firing him.

Speaker 1:

The time comes in with me. And then we knew we had discussed, like we were telling we're basically firing him. And I I share with him. You know, like there was another way that I want to try, and he was just like really irate. He was like I can't believe you're saying this to me, I just want to scream at you. I said well, look, even like aromatase inhibitors can cause um uterine cancer. And he was like, if that happens, I would just take your uterus out. And I was like okay, this is not going very well, he's not picking up what I'm putting down. And so then I just said yeah, we've just decided to not do that. And he turned to my husband and he was like are you going to let her do that? And I was like okay, this is done, we're going to let her do that. And I was like okay, this is done, you know, we are, we're going to. And so I walked out and I just decided to implement the square one program, which is a wonderful tool, you know.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, my wife would have decked the doctor by then. What do you mean? Let me do this, that's all she needs to hear. I'll do what I want. Yeah, I said, doctor, don't, don't say that kind of stuff to her. That's crazy. It was like he saw you as job security, I think, because you can just operate and take this out, take that out, do more chemo. And I'm and I'm saying that, uh, you know, joking. Of course I don't think they're really that cruel that they just want to keep doing stuff to you. But that's all the lots of them. Anyway, that's all they really know is it's just a chemo, radiation. The rest of stuff doesn't really matter. Fortunately, I had a doctor who saw the whole thing. He knew nutrition, exercise, stress, all that had a lot to do with it. So I was fortunate, but I and essentially I, just went all in.

Speaker 1:

You know, I at the time it wasn't even the modules weren't even all in video, it was just the first module was a video and then the remaining modules were all audio.

Speaker 1:

And so here I am, watching them or listening, taking notes, re-listening, taking more notes and implementing everything that I could implement. I just it was like drinking water from a fire hose. It was, I'm not going to lie, it's, it is overwhelming because it's very different than what, what, normally, what people do, and but it gave me the tools to be able to know, like, what I should eat, what I shouldn't eat, why am I doing this? You know how to detoxify and exercise is important and the importance of good sleep and stressors and how to you know what to do about that. And, and it's also like the cancer causers which you know, made me start to think, but it was really like just a huge blessing because I felt like I had what I was looking for before I even did my chemo. You know, it was just in the Lord's timing. I don't regret what I went through, because I'm just going to trust that the Lord had me go through it. I can have compassion for people that are in my, in my seat and choose that route. But and I you know I did I did work with a naturopath through um before I found Chris there was.

Speaker 1:

I was doing vitamin C IVs, I was taking, you know, supplements and working with the naturopath on that stuff. So I felt like I'm somewhat in the right zone. But just like buying the program and implementing square one just really, you know, kind of helped me narrow in to exactly where, where I wanted to be, where I needed to be. It was cool because my naturopath, before I started square one, he had me do this test. It's called the Genova Estronex test and it measures your hormones and your bad estrogen, which is the 4-hydroxyestrone, is supposed to be at 3.2 or lower and mine was at 71.8. And I was like wow, that's pretty bad and this is like okay.

Speaker 1:

So then I implement square one for and then I retake the test a year later and I'm at 3.2. And that was just kind of very encouraging, like what I'm doing is helping me, you know. And a cool side note because this is like eight years later. But I just went and did some more blood work with my doctor and I'm 48 years old and she was you did a hormone panel and she's like I have never seen a lady's progesterone so high at your age. This is great, what are you doing? And I'm like well, I'm doing a plant-based diet and that must be helping, you know. So she was like no, your hormones are at a great level for your age, you know. So I'm like okay, well, that's a blessing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's always encouraging.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like a seal of approval. What I'm doing is helping.

Speaker 3:

Now the doctor you use. You said the naturopathic doctor. Is that there in Phoenix?

Speaker 1:

No, actually I found him and we did like Zoom telehealth medicine.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he was a good fit. He kind of he geeked out on testing so I ended up doing like, um, a candida cleanse, a parasite cleanse, like all all this testing, and then he um kind of fine tuned. What I really appreciated is Chris's program is great. But I was like, well, I had breast cancer so I do want to take supplements that can help me with my hormone regulation and of course food plays a huge role with that. But he kind of helped tweak a little bit, you know, and like taking some dim and taking some supplements for my thyroid, like iodine. I did coffee enemas. I also Chris talks about the Bob Beck protocol. It's like the soda devices, s-o-t-a. I purchased those and I, you know, was doing the electric pulser and, you know, just making colloidal silver and I just really wanted to go, you know, kind of go all in and and put forth the effort, juicing, doing his anti-cancer salads, smoothies, going basically raw for quite a while.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's funny, I actually have. I printed out the giant cancer-fighting salad which. I've eaten a lot but you pretty much have to have a whole grocery cart just to get the stuff for that salad and then take the day off so you can prepare everything, clean it and prepare everything. But I actually love the taste of it, even the first time around, which you know I'm kind of weird, I guess. I don't think I can get my family to eat that because it's just too healthy.

Speaker 1:

What I loved is at the conference, at the healing strong conference that's what they served was the salad. So I was like, oh, that's awesome, it does taste good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's much better when someone prepares it for some reason.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's true. I did Chris's program for about a year and then I saw he cause he created the Facebook support page, the support group, and I was like, okay, he's posted that he was looking for help. And I was like, hmm, I've been doing this for a year. I'm a year out now from doing the square one program and I feel like I'm doing it pretty consistently well. And I got it kind of down pat and I was like I think I'll apply for this job, for joining his support team, and then I ended up getting hired and I've been on since January of 2017. And it's just been such a huge blessing on so many levels. Of course, just learning and learning under Chris. But what's really cool is, you know, you see Chris in interviews, you see him like at a speaking engagement or you see who he is and through the modules. But what I learned was like what you see is really who he is modules. But what I learned was like what you see is really who he is. He's like a compassionate, caring person who really wants, is there to help and provide hope and answers to people, and I was just discovering that that is Chris's heart and seeing that you know, I work for him is a blessing. Before I bought his program and I found the Square One program, I was like I work for him is a blessing.

Speaker 1:

Before I bought his program and I found the square one program, I was like I messaged him, I sent him an email. I was like I just did chemo, like can I still do your program? I'm so naive? I was like, is there still hope for me? And because I was like, you know, the veil was lifted, I was like I just bombed my body, you know like. So I had some of that kind, um kind of fear in me and he responded and he was like there is always hope, you know. And that was just so comforting that he would have taken the time to respond and that he's just put that um wind in my sail. And I was like, okay, I got this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so you don't. You don't have any dirt on him Like he's got hostess Twinkie wrappers in his car and stuff.

Speaker 1:

I haven't found anything like that yet.

Speaker 3:

No, yeah, no, he seems to be pretty consistent and pretty, uh pretty strict with his own diet. And, of course, you know, I've talked to him a few times and he says you know, he's been healed of cancer for a long time now Was it 20, some years? And so he's able to, you know, have a little dessert here sometime, like I do for for my kids when they have a birthday. I'll take a little little slice of cake and stuff like that, Cause that's not going to hurt you when you're eating all the right stuff. So yeah it's.

Speaker 3:

It's when you are battling the cancer you're trying to heal. It is when you have to be super strict.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's, it's not forever, but it's for right now. And that was something I try. I clung to was like, okay, I'm doing this, I'm bringing my own juices and food to all the events and even went like to a cabin and you know I'm here in my cooler and all my stuff and people you know. They're like, oh, wow, you're super strict. I'm like, yeah, for for now. And I had people you know test out my carrot and beet juice and they're like, ew, that's disgusting. I'm like it's um, it's, it's medicine. You know, it's medicinal nutrition for me right now. It's like really potent anti-cancer nutrients for my in my blood.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, it actually tastes good. After you've had it for a while, your body starts, you know, craving that kind of stuff you're like man, I used to think this was terrible. Now it's pretty good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's that other stuff that's terrible, like soda and all those kind of things yeah, now we go to events and I make my healthy, my little healthy contributions to you know, I made a just a cashew ranch to bring with like a veggie tray and people are like, wow, this ranch is really good. I'm like yeah, there's no dairy in there. They're like oh, so they always know they can expect some some good uh, healthy recipes from me.

Speaker 3:

Are you a part of a Healing Strong group in your area?

Speaker 1:

I visited Eve Roberts group in Texas. I did a Zoom there, and Kay Blackburn and her group, but I have not been. I didn't join a group yet, but I've thought of it. I think there's probably a few here in Phoenix.

Speaker 3:

Obviously, that's how you heard about Lee Strong through Chris, like everybody else. But, like I say, your story is on steroids because you work for him, so I've not had that story yet. So that's kind of like I thought well, what does she do? Does she cut his grass? You know you're part of the support group, now what does that entail?

Speaker 1:

Well, we, you know, answer questions about, um, the things that Chris talks about in the square one, and we monitor and moderate the, the Facebook support group. I help with the Q and A's. I also help on the behind the scenes of interviews that he does with um, kind of setting them up and, uh, editing a little bit and prepare, you know, preparing the interviews for them to be ready to post and stuff. So it's, that's been really cool because I get to really listen to all the great testimonials and the survivor stories and all the expert interviews, learn a lot from from that.

Speaker 3:

I don't have um in the medical arena. A lot of those words don't stick to my brain. You know I'm more in the music realm of things. Of course so is he, but I mean, like reading his book I have to like sit down after a while. My brain is overloaded. In fact I even read the part about cause I did immunotherapy for my cancer which actually shrunk the tumors. I had like eight tumors, shrunk them within just a couple of months. And I thought I read in his book you know that it's like the darling of the cancer treatments in the conventional arena anyway. And then just recently I went back and I read that part and I read past that, where he says but it's not living up to its hype.

Speaker 1:

But I missed that. Well, it worked for you, though. That's awesome.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I found out. I'm in the 20 percent and out of those 20 percent that it works for.

Speaker 3:

It only gives them another 11 and a half months on average. I said, ok, well, I'm in the 20 percent and then I'm in a very small percentage of the 20 percent. Yeah, so that's that made sense why the doctors were just amazed, like cause? I even asked the doctor. I said isn't this how the rest of your patients are doing? And they go no, let's just say you're like in the top 2%, okay, I'll go with that. I had more hope for that immunotherapy but apparently the hope was unsubstantiated.

Speaker 3:

It did work for me and you know it's been six years now six years so and they said if you go past the five years it's like 95% that it won't come back. And I think they make those things up because immunotherapy is too new to have those kinds of stats. But I'm going with it anyway.

Speaker 1:

Well, the Lord wasn't done with you yet. Yeah, that's what I tell people.

Speaker 3:

I say well, apparently I haven't done what I'm here for, so I'm dragging my feet. God's given me a little bit more time. Okay, you're going to do it, or do I need to bring you home? Yeah, I got to do something now.

Speaker 1:

No, that's, that's cool, it is special, and there's all types of immunotherapies and that's what's really hard Cause even um, you know Gerson, uh, you can go to a Gerson Institute and there was the Coley's um immunotherapy treatment and so that induces the fever. So that's one type of immunotherapy that is, you know, has has shown some really successful things. And then there was another immunotherapy someone sent me some information on and it's like this herb that they they coat the herb with like a sugar substance and it's done through the iv but then the the because of the coating, it goes into the tumor cell and the herbs kind of go and destroy and apparently that's pretty successful. So there's just all kinds of immunotherapies out there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean it made sense logically because it kind of it interacts with your own immune system. So I thought, well, that that sounds smart. I like that better than just killing everything in sight and hoping you can live, including your own immune system. Did you have like medical background at all before you started working with Chris, or how'd you learn all this stuff that you can support that? I would be totally lost if that fact. He wouldn't have hired me. You just had to learn once you started working.

Speaker 1:

Well, I learned the ins and outs a lot of a lot of what he was talking about through my own journey, right. So I'm like was being self-taught through his program and digging. I mean, there's so many resources once you start kind of going down that rabbit trail of like holistic healing and really doing a lot of that research and stuff.

Speaker 1:

But, um, I guess, through my journey, a part of my journey, I was married and my marriage was going through a really difficult time. My husband was unfaithful and that was, in some aspects, going through that and ending up in divorce was probably in some ways harder than even my cancer diagnosis. It really felt like well tearing apart.

Speaker 1:

you know, when you're married you become one under God, and so there's that tearing apart and there's a whole mourning process and you don't have control over other people, Whereas at least you don't have control over your life, because the Lord does but at least when you feel like you can be positive about your healing and you're doing some actionable, positive things in your life that can contribute to that. So with that divorce came a decision to go back to school, and I went back to school, kind of in the medical field, to be an ultrasound tech. The fact that I had breast cancer and that ultrasound found it just kind of really intrigued me. There was a few things I was looking at doing, but I did decide to ultimately go back to school for that and that was really cool. I really loved looking at pathology and learning about the body and seeing you know kind of everything on ultrasound and what it looks like, and so I kind of went down that path.

Speaker 1:

But I was doing that while still working for Chris also, and so now now I I do, I've actually I have been of like we know it's a business and I you know the little bit that I've worked. I've seen it as that and it's, you know, although you're I'm interacting with the patient, there's also the medical side of it and it is kind of it's it's about the money a lot of times and some of the reasons why you know they operate and do certain things is because of that. So it's kind of puts a negative tone, you know, on it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I was just thinking the other day, in fact, about Chris, because I every time I interview somebody, like I said, they talk about how they know Chris or how they can make Ross Chris, or usually it's the square one. But I was talking to John Richardson, who does the apricot seeds, and he's talking about his connection with Chris and I'm thinking it is such a great thing. I mean, it was a horrible thing that happened to Chris, like all of us when we get diagnosed with cancer, and it was a dark time for him, of course, and then he had to face all the backlash of doctors thinking he's crazy, like most of us go through, and friends and family and they mean well, because they think well, we want you to live, do the chemo, because that's all everyone ever knows. But it was incredible how God used him and how smart he is in that area, something that I could not grasp. Half the stuff he's doing area, something that I could not grasp half the stuff he's doing. But how many. I think about how many thousands of people that are living today because of them reading that book and thinking this makes sense I'm going to go in this direction and how he's affected other people, like John Richardson and so many others, all because he listened to God and he wanted to live and he went after me.

Speaker 3:

I would be like you know, I would just listen to the doctor. If I didn't know anything else, if Chris hadn't done his thing, I would have done whatever the doctor said, like most of us, because the doctors know best. Right, that's what we grew up thinking and I would just listen to them and I probably wouldn't be here and like my cousin I've told this story before but my cousin was diagnosed the same time I was and his was not even stage one and they just chemoed the stew out of him and he passed away five years later. They told him it doesn't matter what you eat, you don't have to exercise, just you know the chemo, we'll take care of it. And then you know I'm at his funeral after surviving stage four cancer and you know I was cancer free.

Speaker 3:

I thought, okay, yeah, this makes sense, it's logical. But somebody think, like you said, mostly usually about the money. That's a whole industry and not all the doctors are evil I'm not saying that at all, but I mean they're kind of locked into a system and their hands are tied. They can only do certain things. It's only the independent doctors who are kind of like going out on their own. They think, okay, I want to heal this person, and so there's a bigger picture here and the statistics are so much better with the natural thing, the plant-based and getting rid of stress and all these things have a lot to do with everything, even the dental stuff. I was totally shocked about the dental stuff. I thought the dental things just stopped right in your mouth.

Speaker 1:

It's tied to all parts of your body Right? Yeah, it's sad to hear the story of about your cousin. Um, I can relate to that. There was a another homeschool mom that got diagnosed with the same type of cancer and we had the same oncologist. We went to the same naturopath getting her vitamin C IVs. I stopped, you know, along my path and she continued and did the radiation and the tamoxifen, and it's sad to see like she didn't. She didn't make it. I don't, you know, I don't know exactly.

Speaker 1:

You know God has a purpose in all of our trials and we can just trust him and we don't always understand everything on this side and it's just, it breaks my heart. She had younger kids than I had and I'm just like, oh, it's sad, but I'm just grateful it just, you know, it really grew me. One of the verses I kind of clung to was just Psalm 1830, like God's ways are perfect, and what I was reminded through, especially like my pastor's sermons during that early time when I was diagnosed, was like it's not like God has a plan B. It's not like I get diagnosed and God's like, oh, I made a mistake, let me fix this. No, like he had me specifically go down this path for a reason.

Speaker 1:

It makes more, even more sense now, right, because I'm on the other side of so many things, like with the divorce and stuff. And then in 2020, I met just the sweetest, most loving, god-fearing man and we dated. We got engaged. A year later, we got married. We dated, we got engaged. A year later, we got married. And it's just, it's a sweet gift from the Lord to know what unconditional love is and to have that.

Speaker 1:

I don't even feel like I'm worthy to experience that, to have a second chance and to have, you know, just a relationship that is just really God honoring and an example for my girls, you know. And so it's like, okay, I'm just, I have so much to be thankful for. And the journey kind of there's you don't always understand, especially when you're in the Valley, you know it's hard to see, it's, it's foggy, it's blurry. When you're in the Valley, there's people around you kind of trying to help and encourage you. And once I chose to go more holistic, they, they, you know they continued to encourage me and through my divorce, church, friends and family just really loving on me and it's, it's sweet to have that, you know, encouragement from people. And when you're going, through trials.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, when it is blurry and foggy. In hindsight you realize, wow, that's when I couldn't see my own way, so I had to trust God, which is what we need to be doing every day, even when it's sunny and we can see everything. It's hard to trust God when we think we can take care of it. Yeah, he's never wringing his hands. He's never like, oh, I didn't see that coming. So, yeah, he's. It's hard to. It's so crazy. We know in our mind that he created everything and nothing surprises him, and knows exactly what to do, yet we usually so often, I should say use him as a last resort.

Speaker 3:

You know we try to fix things ourselves, even though we believe in him, until all of a sudden we're, we can't seem to fix it and we're like oh.

Speaker 1:

God, can you help me here? Oh yeah, guilty, I'm guilty of trying to fix, fix my, you know, my, my previous marriage. I'm like I can fix this right. No, no it's.

Speaker 1:

You know, I don't have control over people and I can't fix everything, but the Lord is faithful, he's sovereign over it, and he helped me through this and he placed very specific people in my life and as I stepped back and I wanted I didn't want to get divorced, you know, and I and like I said, I was in the Fox, I couldn't see clearly, and I take a step back and I look around and I'm like these are all these godly people and family members and loved ones that he's put in my life and they're all telling me the same thing that you know, unfortunately, divorce is the best path for you at this moment.

Speaker 1:

You know, um, and I just had to be like I'm going to just have to take a leap of faith and trust God that he put these people and they're all saying the same thing, and just kind of go down that path. And it was scary. But, um, I'm on the other side now, kind of on the at the end of the rainbow. You know like, okay, this is. I'm reaping so many blessings from the Lord and you know we there's more trials to come someday, but right now I'm just so thankful I can look back, I've learned a lot I can share with other people. You know, like this is how the Lord's worked in my life.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, julie, I'm glad we finally got to talk and you're doing a great thing, you know, working with Chris and encouraging so many people that are usually confused and lost and scared, and you're able to calm them down and say, hey, it's okay. You know, this is how God created. You know, creation to heal us. Our bodies are made to heal themselves, uh, as long as we treat them right. And uh, yeah, it's, it's understated what you all are doing. So I appreciate that, and it's just weird that I was thinking that the other day, not even thinking about this interview, but I'm thinking about that Like that's just huge, huge, what is going on there with Chris Wark and all that.

Speaker 1:

And, of course, with Healing Strong. Yeah, healing Strong is a huge you know, I think it's a great team, the Crispy Cancer Healing Strong team, providing hope and and you know, like just even what you guys do with hearing, and I'm I haven't been part of a group, but I've visited a couple of times and just the support and the love and encouragement and the discussion and people just have different resources, right, they kind of share.

Speaker 1:

oh here, this is what I did. And people pick that up and they're like okay, maybe I should look into this. And so I think that's really cool about the Healing Strong groups. You're not alone, right, and you have other people that are kind of walking through it with you. And I love what Chris says.

Speaker 1:

It's just like take your time. You get diagnosed and that's where maybe I should have taken even more time. That's a lesson where I tell people like, really do your research, because maybe if I were to research even more, I would have stumbled upon Chris a little bit sooner, you know. But it to it, even if it's a combo holistic, conventional or if it's going all holistic, just kind of do your thing, be committed and make it happen. Like you're going to have to change your life a little bit, you know, and being your own advocate. You know getting the 20 questions from Chris's website, asking your oncologist, those 20 questions, informing yourself, researching it's just there's a lot of resources out there now, even more so than eight years ago when I was diagnosed, and definitely more than when Chris was 20 years ago. He just had a book.

Speaker 3:

Well, what's the best way if people get in the hold of you?

Speaker 1:

I'm on Facebook and Instagram as Julie DeCam and so people can connect with me there. If ever anyone wants to connect with me and they can't find me on those platforms, you can definitely email support at crispycancercom. I'm happy to answer questions and kind of point people to the right direction and encourage and give hope.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, thank you so much for joining us today, and I'll probably catch you at that next convention.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Look forward to it. You've been listening to the I am healing strong podcast, a part of the healing strong organization. We hope you found encouragement in this episode, as well as the confidence to take control of your healing journey, knowing that God will guide you on this path. Healing Strong is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to connect, support and educate individuals facing cancer and other diseases through strategies that help to rebuild the body, renew the soul and refresh the spirit.

Speaker 2:

It costs nothing to be a part of a local or online group. You can do that by going to our website at healingstrongorg and finding a group near you or an online group, or start your own, your choice. While you're there, take a look around at all the free resources. Though the resources and groups are free, we encourage you to join our membership program at $25 or $75 a month. This helps us to be able to reach more people with hope and encouragement, and that also comes with some extra perks as well. So check it out. If you enjoyed this podcast, please give us a five-star rating, leave an encouraging comment and help us spread the word. We'll see you next week with another story on the I Am Healing Strong podcast.

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