
Jim Mann

Jim lived the first 23 years of his life in Baltimore, Maryland.  He attended the same high school as the most decorated olympian of all times, Michael Phelps.  They would’ve been best friends if it weren’t for the couple of decades between them.  At 23, he decided to pursue a degree in music at Southeastern University in Lakeland Florida.  At 30, he finally talked someone into marrying him.  A year later, Jim began a radio career that would last 30 years, of which the last 12 were spent on a morning show at HIS Radio in the Carolinas and Georgia.  That meant getting up at 2:00 AM every morning, which is why he looks the way he does.  In 2016, Jim was diagnosed with Stage IV Melanoma and was not expected to live more than a month or two.  He is now in full remission,  and has decided to give back through hosting  the HealingStrong podcast in order to bring hope to others going through deep valleys.