I AM HealingStrong

87: Healing Secrets of Apricot Seeds and Laetrile Therapy | John Richardson

HealingStrong Episode 87

John Richardson (President of Richardson Nutritional Center), an advocate for nutritional therapy and a true believer in the science of Laetrile, brings hope, and deep dives into the heart of natural health and Biblical wisdom. Together, we peel back the layers surrounding the controversial amygdalin derivative and its role in cancer therapy, challenging long-held misconceptions and offering a fresh perspective on what it means to harness nature's gifts for our well-being.

The discussion reaches beyond our hosts personal experience and into the realm of science, where Laetrile, often termed vitamin B17, is met with skepticism from the medical and media arenas. With a collection of recovery stories and a critical look at the myths tied to its cyanide content, the discussion covers a side that's seldom told—one that's rooted in both empirical evidence and a profound respect for the ancient texts that guide us. As John shares the journey of his father, a pioneering doctor who documented seventy cancer recoveries with Laetrile, we're reminded of the transformative power of faith and the potential locked within the humble apricot seed.

Wrapping up this episode is a heartfelt introduction to HealingStrong, an organization  that offers resources, community, and support for anyone navigating the undesired path of cancer or other diseases. The importance of diet, the benefits of vitamins found in apricot seeds, and the ways in which we can all support our bodies' natural defenses are discussed. This conversation is more than an exchange of ideas; it's an invitation to look beyond conventional, and embrace the strength found in community, and to walk a path of hope and healing.

Order Apricot Seeds:
Laetrile - Richardson Nutritional Center
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Speaker 1:

Genesis 1, verse 29 says and God said Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. It's very specifically talking about the seed. Now, this seed that God gives us from the apricot or the peach or the apple or many other stone fruits, has amygdalin. When it comes in contact with beta-glucosidase, it separates. That's what breaks it apart. And guess where beta-glucosidase is found in the highest concentration? Scientifically proven, it's found in the highest concentration in a cancer cell. Wow, what a mechanism that God created.

Speaker 3:

You're listening to the I Am Healing Strong podcast, a part of the Healing Strong organization, the number one network of holistic cancer support groups in the world. Each week we bring you stories of hope, real stories that will encourage you as you navigate your way on your own journey to health. Now here's your host stage four cancer thriver, jim Mann.

Speaker 2:

Today we've got somebody special. I might be related to him We'll get into that in a second here but he's president of the Richardson Nutritional Center and president and chief visionary officer of the Operation World without cancer. We're all behind you on that one, john Richardson. How you doing.

Speaker 1:

I'm doing fantastic. It's a pleasure to be here. Your organization, I know it's been celebrating your 10th year of existence and many of the people that are with your organization I know personally and you came very highly recommended by Chris Wark, who I know we know in common. A great man, he's a hero of mine and he and I have been doing business for years and years and years. So the product that I sell basically that I tell people about and the history is the apricot seed, and Chris used the apricot seed as part of his protocol to get rid of his C word, as we say.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I say we might be related. My mother's maiden name was Richardson and so that's the side of the family that I grew up with, all my cousins and all. So of course Richardson is such a rare name, I realize, so rare that my son met his now wife and her maiden name was Richardson. I said, well, you better check that out first, but she's from Canada, so I think we're pretty safe and plus she's much prettier than we are.

Speaker 1:

Well, I can tell a funny story, real quick story. I was sitting on an airplane once I looked down between my seat and I saw my briefcase and I knew it was my briefcase because it said John A Richardson on it. So I thought why did my briefcase get behind me? How did that happen? And then I realized I don't have a briefcase that says John A Richardson on it and I stood up and said is your name John A Richardson? And the guy behind me said yes, that's my name. And I go, well, that's my name. How are we sitting on two seats right behind each other? And we laughed about it. And so I looked up in California at that time and I'd search it there's 999 John A Richardson's. So I'm part of the famous clan. I'm probably. If any of us have keeled over, there's only 998 now. But that's my funny story about how common my name is. The Richardson name is yes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and you're still in California now.

Speaker 1:

I still have a business in California and a place at home in California. Most of the time I spend in Arizona now, but I travel so much all over the place. I'll be in California speaking at a health conference in San Rafael next weekend. I won't say the date because I don't know when this comes out, but I don't want to leave people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was so good.

Speaker 1:

You missed it. Yeah, exactly, yeah, fantastic. I'm so glad you weren't there.

Speaker 2:

We haven't met so I'm sure you don't know my story, but I got diagnosed back in 2016 with stage four melanoma. Good friend of mine I was working with. First thing she said was you need to get apricot seeds. I'm like what in the world? I never even heard of that. I mean, I knew what an apricot was but I thought, well, what's that going to do? And then she told me about her father who had cancer and he pretty much kept his at bay, just eating apricot seeds. I said bring them on.

Speaker 1:

no-transcript Explain that a little. The answer to all that is that this story has gotten easier to tell ever since people have gone through this COVID scam. Excuse me for being politically incorrect. I don't know what platforms this ends up on, but if you mention my name on YouTube, you pretty much get deleted, because all I'm doing is telling the truth. It's amazing when you tell the truth how it happens, but my dad was part of the many ways. He was the leader of the Laetrile movement in the 70s. He had found out about it through Dr Ernst Krebs, who was the leading promoter of it in the late 60s, early 70s. His dad had used it in his medical practice since the 1920s, successfully curing people with the C word.

Speaker 1:

And I do counsel everybody that watches me or listens to what I have to say there is no cure for the C word. There never will be a cure. It is a deficiency disease and that's what people have the hardest thing understanding. That's been proven, it's been studied, it's well known and it's been covered up, and people have lost their lives over the subject we're talking about, but thankfully we're in a era where people are woken up to it, so there's more people than just me If I was the only guy out there telling the story, I'd probably have to have security around me all the time. But I have hundreds of doctors, if not thousands of doctors now that understand the mechanics, are waking up to the science of it now, and so my mission is to keep telling the story. But getting back to my father, he was a contemporary of Ernst Krebs Jr who was promoting Lantral as a control for the C word. Basically, control, not a cure, but a vitamin that would help your body cure it or help your body prevent it or move it away. If you have the C word and you can improve your immune system any way you can, you can help battle it off, and I think you've probably been an example of that.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting that someone told you apricot seeds first, because most of the time apricot seeds are a last resort, because people believe the cyanide lie Right, so, um. So my dad uh started using in his practice and and um, I don't know how long we have on our show, but uh, but I want to say that he first used it on our family pet and allowed the pet to wipe out its own C word, so it got rid of it instead of spending $2,000 at the veterinarian and then, as fate would have it, his best nurse, her sister, came down with cancer stage four cancer and she was sent home to die. And so she said I will be a guinea pig for you to try this on a human and see how it works. And lo and behold, it worked. Her immune system was able to take the B17, the laetrile that's found in apricot seeds, and fend off her C word we call it schmancer or C word, depending on where this plays, so you don't get deleted. A lot of time I'm on TikTok or Instagram Live so I really have to be. Can't say these words or some of these things because you instantly get banned, but I just I try to back up everything I say with the truth.

Speaker 1:

So that patient that was my dad's nurse led on to more people that started going to my dad and he became instantly famous overnight and he became a folk hero in the San Francisco Bay Area. Famous overnight and he became a folk hero in the San Francisco Bay Area. And then one fateful June in 1972, he was raided. His clinic was raided by California FDA, alameda County sheriffs and local people that were sent there by the California Board of Medical Licenses under the California anti-quackery law. They were saying he was doing something, he was offering a treatment to his cancer patients. That was not allowed and so he was arrested. His nurses were arrested, all of his files were taken and the good news is that, even though they thought that was going to put him out of business and stop him, on the contrary, what happened is that created a revolution. Local Bay Area people that saw the news got together, people that were coming from other walks of life and started an organization called the International Associations of Cancer Victors and Friends and that organization, from 1972 when, when my dad was arrested, grew to be over a million people strong with 20,000 chapters all over the United States. All people taking the information that was being generated in the early 1970s and getting lateral laws passed here and there, getting people to start taking it, getting doctors to start using it.

Speaker 1:

But that led up to a book being written by GR Griffin in 1974 that my dad introduced it to his good friend GR Griffin and that book was called World Without Cancer. Now this book originally it was a two volume set. One was about the science of cancer and lateral and why it works, and I'm happy to tell that to you. But the other section was about the politics. It was a two volume set, interestingly enough, because if you don't, if you understand the science, that's one thing, but if you don't understand the politics of why we don't get told about it, you would think, oh well, that can't be true, because there's no way these lowly little apricot seeds that I'm about to eat some of, there's no way those can help prevent the C word.

Speaker 1:

There's no way.

Speaker 1:

That that's a deficiency. And I can also explain that. I have so many things to talk about. Sometimes people it seems like I'm frantic, but I'm very excited because the time is right for people to put all this together and create a world without cancer in our lifetime. It really is not only possible, it's probable if we stop believing the lies that they tell us Right. So that's the one problem with chewing them.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you go into Google and you search apricot seeds, it says don't eat more than three because you'll get cyanide poisoning. Well, I am proof. I just ate 12 and I'll eat 40 regular day. I don't recommend that because your body can get an upset stomach if you eat too many too quick. You just have to get used to how to digest it. So that's how it started with my dad. Then, in 1977, he released a book called Laetrile Case Histories the Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience and this was a documented 70 cases of patients that were diagnosed with cancer at a conventional oncology hospital, went through my dad's protocol and then were found to be cancer-free afterwards Wow, that's incredible.

Speaker 1:

So that was how my dad proved it. But at the same time the media came out and I think in 1977, the New York Times had their peak of articles about Laetrile, all negative articles saying it was worthless, it didn't work, all the rest. At the same time the world was opening up I mean opening up to the thought of this. And they did a great job because at that time they could censor just with ABC, nbc, cbs, new York Times, los Angeles Times, san Francisco Chronicle. They could censor it, make doctors feel like quacks and make my dad seem like a dummy. And this whole plan worked because by the mid-'80s Laetrile was considered poisonous and ineffective.

Speaker 1:

And that's lies, that's provable, absolute lies. And I have stacks of studies, case histories, books written, all from the 1970s, early 80s, when we proved that it works and it's effective. But they've continued to censor it. And I have a story about that. If you want to ask me about, uh, the, what started me on this current mission, I'm on because for 25 years I sold apricot seeds and b17 without ever mentioning my dad, uh, the world without cancer, ed, griffin, any of that stuff, because we were too afraid to mention these things.

Speaker 2:

We just sold it to people that knew about it right, yeah, you sell to them, thinking, well, they're gonna, they're gonna grow some trees, so they need to see.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. Well, yeah, we knew what they were using it for, but we couldn't say to people that you know, and we still really can't say we're treating or you know doing any kind of disease. We talk about it as a nutritional supplement, which is what it is found in 1200 different foods foods and it allows your body's immune system to fight off the C word.

Speaker 2:

How is it different from like apple seeds? Aren't they kind of similar?

Speaker 1:

So apple seeds, the seeds of stone fruits, many stone fruits, apricots, peaches, plums and apple seeds all have amygdalin in them. Now a lot of people think that you can actually die from eating too much apple seeds. That's another lie, and they put it on TV shows. We found TV shows like Law and Order, where there was an episode where a woman saved up apple seeds and fed them to her husband and killed him. We don't have a credible case of cyanide poisoning. We don't have one credible case that we've tracked down where someone died of cyanide poisoning from eating too much amygdala. Here's what it is. Here's the science behind it. This is the condensed, quick version, so forgive me for any scientists out there that want to question me, because I have loads of documentation. Amygdalin is a compound of four different molecules two of glucose, which cancer loves, one of cyanide and one of benzaldehyde. Now, cyanide has the bad name, but benzaldehyde is actually more poisonous than cyanide, and the combination of cyanide and benzaldehyde is probably a hundred times poisonous than both of them. So what in the world? Why would any crazy person eat apricot seeds that have a molecule containing those four things I just described? Now, if you were a fear monger, you would say oh, that's cyanide, you're going to die. Or benzelide, you're going to die from taking that. But that's like me saying don't put salt on your food because you have sodium and chloride and chloride, chlorine, is poisonous. If you had put salt in your food, you're going to get chlorine poisoning. What are you doing? What a crazy thing. Amigdalen is tightly locked. Those full molecules are tightly locked, unless in the laboratory or in the body they come up against an enzyme which they call the unlocking enzyme. It's called beta glucosidase. People can search that, look it up. Here's the funny thing that God did. God created these seeds. And let me, before I tell you the story, let me tell you the Bible verse that we like to go by, genesis 1, verse 29 says and God said Behold, I have given you every plant-yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. It's very specifically talking about the seed. Now, this seed that God gives us from the apricot or the peach or the apple or many other stone fruits, has amygdalin. When it comes in contact with beta-glucosidase, it separates. That's what breaks it apart. And guess where beta-glucosidase is found in the highest concentration. Scientifically proven. It's found in the highest concentration in a cancer cell. Okay, wow, what a mechanism that God created.

Speaker 1:

So now, if I eat a bunch of apricot seeds and amygdala and I have it all flowing through my body and it comes across a cancer cell, it's breaking apart and the benzaldehyde, cyanide, actively reacts towards that cancer cell. Wow, again, studied, proven. This is how it works the trophoblastic theory of cancer. If anybody wants to look into it. Now, again, that would be scary if you were taking too much laetrile and you were thinking I'm breaking it apart and I have all this benzaldehyde and cyanide in my body. But God created another molecule called rhodonase, and rhodonase is found in the fruit of apples, the fruit of apricots and in your body, in healthy cells, you have rhodonase and rhodonase is known as the protecting enzyme. It actually acts on any free cyanide or benzaldehyde, breaks it down into painkillers, analgesics.

Speaker 1:

So my dad said in his practice he treated over 6,000 patients using metabolic therapy and he found somewhere in the neighborhood even most of them were stage four or stage five. Coming to my dad as a last resort, they've used up all the other chemotherapy and radiation treatments and he found that upwards of 95% of them would get pain relief. They'd get their appetite back, their hair would start to grow back and even if they succumb to the disease because of all the damage they had done to their body, they still had their end of life was much improved. So that's the mechanism of how it works and we tell people all the time don't take it to cure your C-word or to treat your C-word.

Speaker 1:

Eat this supplement that's been proven to be helping to your immune system. Eat this supplement to help you fight off anything that you're dealing with. So we believe it's the most healthy seed on the planet because it has, out of all the 1,200 different foods that contain amygdala, lima beans, millet, barley, sorghum, molasses, the little seeds on the side of strawberries it has the highest concentration in apricot seeds, about 20 milligrams per seed. So that's why we, that's why people eat apricot seeds, that's why they talk about the apricot seed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I was always told don't eat more than five is the number I heard, but what? What is a good number, or is it just depending on the person?

Speaker 1:

Well, I have all different types of stories, but we've always told people, go to the safe side. It gets you past some of the government agencies out there. So we have always said start with one or two and get your body used to it. The word safe is the misnomer. It is a belief that you can poison yourself with apricot seeds. You're going to get sick to your stomach and be violently ill and throw up long before you ever can kill yourself of cyanide poisoning. The body just needs time to get used to it. So a person like me I go to trade shows and I'm going to probably be at your conference this next time. I've never been, but I'm going to probably be at your conference this next time. I've never been, but I'm going to probably be there At a trade show. I'll eat 100 or 150 apricot seeds in a given day.

Speaker 1:

The Hunzas above Turkey that were studied when Ed made this book. They regularly eat 200 apricot seeds a day and their wealth is all determined. You can see those plates of apricot seeds. They live to be 120, 130 years old and their wealth is all determined. You can see those plates of apricot seeds. They live to be 120, 130 years old and their wealth is determined on how many apricot seeds they have. So they're used to eating the apricot seeds so they can eat a lot more. Their body is used to breaking it down, but a safe number to not get you sick to your stomach is to start with two or three a day and work your way up to 10. My dad, angie Edward Griffin, who was the researcher and the gentleman that wrote World Without Cancer, he says if everybody ate 10 apricot seeds a day, we could wipe out the C word in our lifetime. My dad said let us hasten that day. They've done a great job of demonizing it. It's the most demonized, most effective natural treatment for the C-word that's out there and that gives you about 200 milligrams a day by eating 10 apricot seeds a day. But if you go with more, I know many people have eaten more, especially people that are trying to fight something off, and I regularly eat 40 a day and have no issues, never get sick, and most of the people that I know eat 10 or more a day Work your way up and do that Now.

Speaker 1:

The other way to get laetrile is to take it in a purified form, which is what we do when we make a capsule and that's another way to do it, and nobody really has a problem getting sick to their stomach with the purified amygdala form, because there's no beta-glucosidase in the purified form of laetrile, so it only gets released when it comes in contact in the body. Apricot seeds have a natural minute amount of beta-glucosidase so you can get an early release in your digestive system that can cause the upset stomach. Again, there's no credible case that we can find of someone that's died of eating too many apricot seeds. There's stories of it.

Speaker 1:

There's cyanide poisoning. There's a story of people that got rushed to this hospital that had an upset stomach and had their stomach pumped, but when they test their blood, every time they test their blood, there's no cyanide found in their blood. So it's just a belief of this sickness that someone feels when they eat too much apricot seeds, that that's cyanide poisoning when it's not at all, and it's just a way to keep us away from the thing. That is exactly what we need and pushes towards the poisonous drugs, the chemotherapy drugs, which have no redeeming value and get you sick every time and make you lose your hair every time. And to make you lose your hair, those drugs are okay, even though thousands of people die every year from taking those drugs. But the one natural substance that might make you sick to your stomach is the one that they say stay away from because you can get cyanide poisoning False.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's weird that the one costs so much and one doesn't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is weird $35 for a two pound bag of apricot seeds from our website is about 25 cents a day for eating 10. Wow, far cheaper than what it costs even for one round of chemotherapy or one surgery or one round of radiation, all of which they've been doing for the last 50 years and literally our cancer rates have skyrocketed. So if that stuff works, I'm not telling anybody not to listen to their doctor. I'm not saying don't decide to do those things. That that's what you and your doctor and your family decide. But the rates of cancer have skyrocketed over the last 50 years when we've known the answer, the real answer, for over 100 years and it's been well documented through lots of different things for the last 50 years at least.

Speaker 1:

Ed Griffin's book is 50 years old. My dad's book is almost 50 years old in 2027. And there's books from authors all over the place about this subject. Even Ralph Moss, who's still alive, who was at Sloan Kettering when they studied Laetrile in the 70s, wrote a book about the cancer industry and has a chapter called the Laetrile Controversy. He was the whistleblower at Sloan Kettering in 1977 when they demonized Laetrile by saying it was unsafe and unaffected when the studies that they did at Sloan Kettering actually proved it was safe and effective.

Speaker 1:

And actually a movie has been made called Second Opinion, which we have if you link on our website and go through your affiliate link that we have set up for Healing Strong. I want to make sure people understand we're donating a portion of the proceeds from anybody who's watching this podcast and uses your affiliate link. We're donating. I think it's Healing Strong. You can go to our website through your affiliate link. We're donating a portion of the proceeds back to Healing Strong, but the video is available on our website absolutely for free to watch it on the website. We sell it for those of you that want it for your home use, but we also have the video link in the description of that video for free and it's just been put up on our website in the last couple of days.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yeah, I know, of course you grew up with this knowledge because of your dad, but I'm probably represent most people who grew up here in America where doctors are just below the Trinity, you know. And then there's us humans, so we believe everything they say.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And before you know, before I had cancer, I just thought people like you and your dad were just kind of like hippies or crazy Nothing personal, of course until all of a sudden I have to look into all these things and then it just made sense. Whoa, wait a minute. Nutrition made by God with no side effects. It kind of makes more sense than paying a trillion dollars for something with lots of side effects and sometimes most times it doesn't even work. So yeah, I'm with you guys now. I'm part of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, it's funny that you say that, because my dad was kind of a folk hero in the 70s because the hippies loved him, because he had a natural treatment for a disease which all the hippies loved in Berkeley and the Bay area, right. But my dad, as you can see, ran for Congress under God, family and country, so he was very conservative, bible believing, uh, uh, you know, basically a pastor, almost, uh, of our family. We had a large family of, uh, you know, eight children and so he was. He was a, he was a very much of a folk hero in the Bay Area and he, his arrest, actually woke up the whole country to this subject.

Speaker 1:

They did succeed in demonizing his name. They did succeed with all of their money in in killing some people that were talking about Laetrile and specifically Steve McQueen. Steve McQueen was famously purported to have used Laetrile and still died. He used Laetrile, cured his cancer from his own from the own the news articles that we have and documented stories about Steve McQueen cured his cancer and then, purportedly from a doctor who was very involved, who was talking to Steve McQueen at the time, he was murdered in the hospital by putting blood thickener in his blood. So this is conspiracy theory, of course, but it very effectively made a national headline news that Steve McQueen died of cancer, even though he had used Laetrile, when the opposite was the truth. He didn't die from cancer, he just had a cosmetic surgery and in the hospital they put blood thickener in his blood. And he was this doctor, the doctor that reports. This very well-known doctor at that time reports that he was murdered as part of this cover-up for uh, for keeping leotril out of the hands of people yeah, wow, that's just crazy.

Speaker 2:

That kind of stuff now gets. Uh, however you want to say it, the main medical community talks about you know, something doesn't work.

Speaker 2:

That makes me think, gosh, I bet that works because they don't want you to have it now, of course you you normally just pop the seeds in there and of course it's very bitter, which also, I found, means it works. When things are bitter, it's usually means it's really good for you, which is why most people don't eat them Exactly, but I've gotten used to it. I mean, you know, I'm I'm man enough I can just pop them in there and just chew them away.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Every morning my wife gives me 500 milligrams.

Speaker 1:

So she really wants me to live a long time. All the benefits of Laetrile. I take the 500 milligram capsule every day. You do want to separate the capsule, the pure Laetrile, from the seeds because of the beta glucosidase in the seeds, so don't take them together. But I take it pure Laetrile all the time and it's the way most people that are trying to deal with something do it because you can't get enough of the seeds to be effective.

Speaker 1:

Once you've gone down that path, if you know what I'm saying, again, I'm not recommending it as a treatment or a cure, but doctors use up to 3,000 milligrams orally. Or my dad and clinics in Mexico would give IVs of up to 12 grams per day of Laetrile. Now you can do the math. How many seeds would you have to eat to get 12 grams? I don't even want to do the math because 20 milligrams it goes into 1200 milligrams. Many times I think it's 600 seeds you'd have to eat to get that amount of Laetrile. No one could do it without getting sick to their stomach, even me. I'd have to try to set a record sometime, but I've done 200 in a day. So we offer it in the seeds and seed meal, which we're currently out of stock on. We're selling too much to keep up with people right now because people are finding out about this. We sell it in the pure amygdalin form, which is Laetrile, and that's 100 milligrams and 500 milligram capsules, and also for health practitioners we can get them the IV Laetrile for people that are trying to help people's immune system, just like an IV of vitamin C or an IV any other IV.

Speaker 1:

It's a natural, healthy substance, not a drug, not a treatment, not any way, shape or form of drug. It's a natural vitamin. We can get it to people in IV form. So there's many different ways and often I'm asked what's the best way. I personally believe the best way is the seeds, because it's the most natural way. But it depends on what you're trying to deal with and if you have a busy lifestyle it's not always easy to eat seeds during the day and you have it in your, like I did. I had to drink some liquid to get it out of my taste buds. So sometimes just taking the capsules is the best, and then I always recommend people do the big three, which is the B17, the B15, which is the oxygenator. It's pangamic acid. It's oxygenator for the blood used by athletes for years to help their athletic performance.

Speaker 1:

We all know that the C word hates oxygen, and then the pancreatic enzymes, which many doctors say is more important than laetrile. I'll just say they're both important. The pancreatic enzymes usually you have a decrease in the operation of your pancreas if you have the C word. So the pancreatic enzymes the same enzymes used to digest animal proteins, are the proteins you need to digest the outer hard layer of the C cell. That allows the B15 and the B17 to act on that C-cell. So those are what we call. We have the bundles, the prevention bundle and the pro bundle, and that allows people to have the best effect of the B17. It's kind of like they go hand in hand with each other, right, when do apricots grow?

Speaker 1:

I don't even know what regions they grow in 85% of the apricots grown in the United States are grown in California, Some in Washington and Oregon area. There's been some orchards reported in North Carolina but the majority of apricots. We're going to the Patterson Fiesta Festival for apricots. I think it's 70 years old because Patterson California is kind of like the concentration of apricots grown in California.

Speaker 1:

We pretty much know all the farms that grow the apricots. We know where they're processed. We buy the pits, we dry them, we crack them, we sort them and we bag them. So we know where they come from and we test them to be pesticide free from the source. But there is other apricot growing regions in Turkey. There's apricot seeds that come across in Turkey and many people buy those on Amazon and different places and we don't say there's any issue with that. If we run out of the California apricot seeds, sometimes we recommend people getting the Turkish ones because that's the second source and then they're also sourced from China, which is our third favorite location to get them. Our favorite is California. That's what we recommend to everybody because we know food and things like apricot seeds are only as good as the people that are backing it up. And we've been doing this my dad's been recommending for over 50 years and our family's been in this business doing apricot seeds and B17 for the last 30 years.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so if I ever put a tree in my backyard, can I send it to you. Okay, so if I ever put a tree in my backyard, can I send it to you.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, We'd love it. I tell people all the time absolutely, that's the best way to do it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you want to grow an apricot tree. I have friends that have apricot trees. Do not throw away the pits. If the fruit's bad, it falls to the ground and the deer's eat it, or whatever. Save the pits. The pits are good Animals. Monkeys in nature will actually throw away the fruit, crack the pit and eat the seed. Many animals Ed Griffin talks about it in his book World Without Cancer many animals will throw away the fruit, crack the pit and eat the seed. And how do they know? Because instinct tells them in nature.

Speaker 1:

Widely enough would you believe that wild animals don't get cancer. Only when they're domesticated and put into zoos and fed diets that have no amygdala in it do they get cancer. You would think that would be common knowledge. Five zoo animals they did a study in San Diego. Five zoo animals died of cancer in the same two-year period.

Speaker 1:

I think they were bears or monkeys because their diets were depleted of any kind of nitrolysides. So they didn't get any of this in the zoo because they were feeding them Americanized zoo animal diets and they would die of cancer. That doesn't happen. You don't find deers with cancer in nature, or elk or bears or anything like that in nature with cancer, because they get plenty of nitrilicides in their normal diet, and I've just been my producer. Just let me know your discount code is healing strong, which is a pretty obvious one. So when you go on, if you go on rncstorecom, slash healing strong, that will get you the discounts and that will allow you to watch the video called Second Opinion, absolutely 100% free. Also gives you a discount, and we will also donate to Healing Strong a percentage of the sales to help the Healing Strong message continue on.

Speaker 2:

John. You've given us a lot to think about. John, who might be my cousin, maybe not, yep could be. I'll send you a Christmas card or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

So the best way of people getting a hold of you is probably through the website right the rncstorecom.

Speaker 1:

The best way. We've been so blessed with the word getting out that we have. A lot of people have emailed us and unfortunately we've gotten behind. We've recently hired some new staff. We recently hired a kind of a celebrity staff person that's going to be answering the phones. I'll let people find when they call, but you can go to our website through the Healing Strong link and go to our frequently asked questions area. We also have resources that you can click and download the 17 amazing things that apricot seeds do for you. That don't mention the C word at all. So don't wait till you have something. Start taking them now. You'll see all kinds of benefits and then, if you really need to reach somebody, fill out our contact form on there and someone will reach out to you.

Speaker 1:

We have a dedicated customer service staff who really does care about our customers and we're a family, small family business that's growing rapidly because, as we gathered all of this information that we're finding that's been completely censored. We're getting it out there, but it takes man hours to go through this stuff and copy it onto the video platforms and make digital copies of it so we can print it. I have a little one that we haven't even gotten out there yet, but it's from the Cancer Control Society and it has all sorts of articles and information and studies about apricot seeds, and we haven't even got it on our website yet. So every day we're finding new information, piles and piles of books and documents, all from the seventies, proving that cancer is a deficiency disease. That is not something you catch, it's not something that you inherit. It absolutely can be prevented. And Ed Griffin is 93 years old and still takes Laetrile to this day. The author of World Without Cancer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if worse comes to worse, put it on 8-track. They'll never see that coming, that'll get out.

Speaker 1:

Exactly I like that. Yeah, it's amazing that we found audio cassettes and reel-to-reels and VHS tapes and all of it. We're having to go out and find things that play these tapes just to copy them onto digitally so that we can then put them into a vault that even an EMP strike won't get rid of. This information we are dedicated to getting it out there, and any doctors that are in your audience, any health practitioners that want more information, please reach out to us. We love supporting doctors with information. I love telling the stories of doctors and they every type of doctor wakes up to the idea and really gets it when it's explained to them without the fear of the cyanide scare to keep you away from it. That's a fear. That's false evidence appearing real. It's not real folks and I can get in trouble for that, but I am proof positive that I just ate 12 here and I eat 40 a day and I'm at conferences in front of people. I eat hundreds of apricot seeds a day and I'm still walking around and don't take any pharmaceuticals at all.

Speaker 2:

Wow, I'm going to bust past my five a day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, get to 10, get to 10. That's a good number. Yeah, you don't have to go to 40. I do because the last person on the earth that better ever get the C word is me, because I'm out here preaching. Better ever get the C word is me because I'm out here preaching, and if I did so, I take 40. Ga R Griffin takes 500 milligrams a day. I also. My wife swears that her hair's grown six inches since she met me. We met two years ago from the laetrobe. Her skin is better. There's so many other benefits of it. So don't wait till you get something. Don't wait till you jump off the bridge, till you ask for a parachute. That's the best way I can put it. Start doing it now and you will see some amazing results from that, and maybe even if I'm telling the truth and my dad told the truth maybe there's other benefits that you don't even ever have to worry about if you have the proper nutrition in your system.

Speaker 2:

Wow, Well, thank you so much, John. Thanks for taking out the time to talk to us, and you filled my brain with stuff. Now I've got to sort it out.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's a lot of information. I do talk fast, uh, so sometimes you know people think, well, it must be on all those apricot seeds, but uh, I'm happy to be here to share this information it. But I'm happy to be here to share this information. It's a great day to be able to get on your podcast and share this information. Such a great group is Healing Strong. Can't wait to meet everybody at the next live conference.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm sure we'll cross paths there. We will.

Speaker 3:

You've been listening to the I Am Healing Strong podcast. A part of the Healing Strong organization. We hope you found encouragement in this episode, as well as the confidence to take control of your healing journey, knowing that God will guide you on this path. Healing Strong is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to connect, support and educate individuals facing cancer and other diseases through strategies that help to rebuild the body, renew the soul and refresh the spirit.

Speaker 3:

It costs nothing to be a part of a local or online group. You can do that by going to our website at healingstrongorg and finding a group near you or an online group, or start your own, your choice. While you're there, take a look around at all the free resources. Though the resources and groups are free, we encourage you to join our membership program at $25 or $75 a month. This helps us to be able to reach more people with hope and encouragement, and that also comes with some extra perks as well. So check it out. If you enjoyed this podcast, please give us a five-star rating, leave an encouraging comment and help us spread the word. We'll see you next week with another story on the I Am Healing Strong podcast.

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