I AM HealingStrong

73: Embracing the Power of Detoxification & Wholesome Habits for Healing | Christine Holcomb

HealingStrong Episode 73

Discover the secrets your body holds to natural detoxification as we invite you on a journey through the often overlooked practice of sweating for health. This episode features the inspiring Christine Holcomb, who shares her profound cancer journey, revealing the crucial role detox played in her healing. Together, we'll unlock the wisdom of ancient detox methods like Epsom salt baths and saunas, which are especially beneficial when the cold bites at your routine, making daily sweat sessions a challenge. You'll learn how our bodies are precision-designed for detox through the liver and kidneys, and how you can support these vital processes.

As we navigate the modern landscape, laden with pollutants and synthetic chemicals, it's imperative we take steps to cleanse and protect our bodies. This episode isn't just about avoiding the toxins that surround us—it's about embracing a holistic approach to clean living. From selecting whole foods to being savvy with your choice of cleaning products, we'll provide practical tips for minimizing your exposure to harmful substances. We'll also explore the interplay between emotional wellness and physical health, understanding how our feelings can both hinder and help our bodies' detox pathways.

Rounding out our discussion, we'll delve into daily habits that enhance your body's ability to detoxify. I'll highlight the significance of proper dental care, the underestimated power of lemon water, and the refreshing benefits that hot and cold showers can bring to your routine. We'll also discuss confronting the silent epidemic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease through lifestyle changes, and why a grateful heart can be just as healthy as a detoxified liver. Join our community at HealingStrong, where we champion a mission to empower those on a healing path with support for the body, soul, and spirit.

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Speaker 1:

When you take a bath, put some Epsom salt and stay in the bath. Make it really hot, sweat, sweating. We don't sweat on a Do you know? You're supposed to sweat every day. Mmm, that's yeah, and that's hard for you and me because we're cold Nature and we live Right now. It's cold in our climates. But If you could sweat, get in the tub, get in a sauna. If you don't have a sauna, get in your tub. Make it really hot until you are sweating. Or go do work, run up and down the stairs until you're sweating, exercise until you're sweating. Sweating cleans your pores, like it detoxes you.

Speaker 2:

You're listening to the I Am Healing Strong podcast, a part of the Healing Strong organization, the number one network of holistic cancer support groups in the world. Each week we bring you stories of hope, real stories that will encourage you as you navigate your way on your own journey to health. Now here's your host stage four cancer thriver, jim Mann.

Speaker 3:

Well, we have an expert with us today that we've had on the podcast. Before giving her a story of cancer survivor, cancer thriver. That's the correct way of saying it, right? Mm-hmm? Yeah, christine Ocomb. No relation to LA Ocomb, which I said on the other podcast too, but I'm saying that because we just had LA Ocomb a little while ago. We're not going to ask you to sing. I can't sing. Okay, can you sign language? That's always good on the podcast.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Neither. Well, we're going to talk about something that I need a lot of help with. I know how to put nutrition in my body, but detoxing is something that you know a lot about, so we have you on our podcast today to let us know what we need to do. In fact, let's start off with what is detoxing.

Speaker 1:

Detoxing is something that our body does naturally. God made our bodies perfect. We mess them up, but they were and they should be perfect and they work if they're supported. So every day of every minute of every day, our body is detoxing all the time. Our liver is the main workhorse and it cleans our blood like a pint every minute. So in six minutes it's done your whole body all the time. It never stops, never stops. That's why you can't live without your liver and you can't live without your kidneys and you can't live without your lungs.

Speaker 1:

All of those are detox organs, but so is our digestive system, our lymphatic system. All of them are so elaborate and they're detoxing all the time. So why do we have to mess with it? Right? Why do we even have that word detox? I remember when I started my journey 11, 12 years ago, someone said the word you need to detox too. You just can't take vitamin C. And I remember asking my first more natural path that I doctor about it. She said she was an MD, she was double board certified and alternative, and she said oh no, no, we can't do that. Detoxing it's very complicated, it can be serious.

Speaker 1:

It can be serious is a phase one and there's a phase two and I don't know enough about it. And that's where she stopped and I said, well, how about just let's do some vitamin CIVs? Well, okay, she let me do 10 milligrams. I could have taken that orally, but that's how scared she was and what she had heard about it scared her, and so from that point on it's just been a learning slow experience for me, and now I realize it really isn't that complicated, and then our body does it. We just need to support those parts. So I wanted to make it as simple as possible.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what I need, for sure, but to me, being a simple-minded person, to detox it just seems like such a wide range of things. Because I've heard so many different ways of detoxing, different things of detox, I'm like, oh my gosh, I'm overwhelmed. I'm gonna say that I stopped because I'm overwhelmed. I just freeze like a deer.

Speaker 1:

You can overwhelm easy today. I mean, back then there was nothing. Well, there wasn't much on the internet either, but you could doctor Google and you're gonna like what.

Speaker 3:

It just keeps coming.

Speaker 1:

Then I went on and I was like whoa, no wonder people get confused. So I just thought why, okay, so like, why do we detox? Because we have messed up our bodies and our world, like with pollution and chemicals and pesticides and Xenoestrogens and just it just goes on and on and we're all exposed every day in some form or fashion, and a body can handle a lot, but we have overwhelmed our bodies and some of us, like at my age, we store it too from when we were little, so we started getting it then and maybe our body couldn't handle it all. So it actually stores it in some of our fat dishes, stores it in our brain. It affects kids.

Speaker 1:

Now, young kids, when it goes to their brain don't always lead to cancer, but it leads to all kinds of problems. Nothing good, nothing good. And so detoxing is not just for the cancer group, it's for everybody, it's really is. And I think if we make it simple and just understand it and we add little things on our way that make not just I'm going to detox for a day or I'm going to detox for a month, you make it part of your life, then it's a better way, I think.

Speaker 3:

Like a hundred years ago, we probably no one needed to detox, right, because your body could handle what came in, because it was all natural. But, like I said, we screwed up everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, lifestyles were different a hundred years ago. We didn't have the pollution and we were outside more. We did more physical work, we sweated more. Like think about our lifestyle. They didn't have internet, they weren't locked in a room all day and most of the time we're inside all day, but people a hundred years ago were more outside, more for sure, for sure.

Speaker 1:

What do we need to do? Yeah, step one. Step one is stop putting the bad stuff in. Okay, you can't say I'm going to start taking it out. How about you stop what's pouring in? And that is number one.

Speaker 1:

So number one all the time is nutrition. So let's clean up our diets. Just how about you start with eating clean, whole food, real food, not manmade food, not manmade food. I used to say nothing in a package, but you know almonds come in a package so you can eat almonds if there's nothing added to them. So try to eat for a while, for all the time, like think less manmade, no more potato chips, no more. You know, like whole food, real food, that's it, whether you cook it, whether you eat it raw, whether you juice it, just eat real food. That's number one and stop putting in the bad stuff. Number two.

Speaker 1:

Water is then there with food. Usually, when people call me and they ask what should I do with my cancer, number one is I go how clean is your water and do you have a filter? So you got to filter your water because, because of our world today and how we run water through pipes, we have to chlorinate it and kill it. So we kill everything. But chlorine is not good for us and fluoride is not good for us. So you need a filter that gets rid of lots those two and a lot of other things. So reverse osmosis takes everything out. So, whether it's a water thing on your counter or you do on your whole house, you need to clean your water. If you can only do one on the counter, then you need a shower filter too. It's a little filter you put on your takes chlorine out. Some take chlorine out fluoride, so you're not putting it on your skin because your skin absorbs. I've had people say my hero looks better, my skin feels better, just by putting a filter on your shower head. It's very simple. They last a few six months. Change it out. I can do it, you can do it. So definitely your shower and what you drink. So they stop coming in.

Speaker 1:

Then you got to clean up your cleaning products at home. What you're cleaning with you can clean with vinegar and water. It's actually cheaper products cheaper than buying all the fancy stuff. How about cleaning with, like Dr Bonner soap? You know, use that for your shampoo, your soap and your shower clean toothpaste with no fluoride. So all this stuff takes a while like, oh, I got to buy a new kind of toothpaste. I got to buy different cleaning products that don't annihilate you when you walk in the house as Clorox and all those foooms. You do not need all that.

Speaker 1:

Vinegar and water cleans a lot. A lot of people add essential oils to it and there's a way to look up all these products. There's a website called the EWG. It's called the Environmental Working Group, and in the beginning they didn't have a lot of products. They actually have a lab and they test products. So you could look up a product and it rates it A, b, c, d. It'll tell you what's the bad stuff in it, what's the good, and in the beginning it was hard to like. You would look up all the A stuff, like shampoo, and you'd say, well, where do I find that one? It'd be some obscure girl that's making it in Tennessee or something you know. But now there's more mainstream products and you can find it. So I mean you could go through the trouble of finding some oddball whatever, but it has gotten so much easier and using that, they do incredible work. It's called the EWG Environmental Working Group. They do household products, hair products, personal products, just all kinds of products. So from head to toe brush, teeth, with all kinds of stuff. So it's a great, great website. Just look up all the A stuff. If you can change something and you want to pick something, I would go there.

Speaker 1:

And the third thing is your emotions. You have to clean what you're bringing in. Is it conflict? Is it anger? Is it you know? Just, you need to get stop bringing all that in Now. It's easier said than done.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of programs and there's a lot of ways, and we'll talk about it a little more later, but that's my third thing. So one is what you eat, one is what you put on you, what you smell. And then the third thing is your emotions. Okay, stop bringing all the bad stuff in. Then we got to take it out. We want to take it out and we want to support what our body does right. So your kidneys clean, your liver cleans your lung. So if you work in a factory that was had smoke in it, then you were getting sick. You might have lung cancer without even smoking, so you would want to get out of that environment. How do you clean up your lungs? Well, open the windows. So basic stuff. There are brutal and hardcore ways to detox and it's for severe people that worked in a factory or they were in a nuclear disaster or miners.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, major, major issues, like you had a lot of mercury or in your body for some.

Speaker 3:

whatever reason, Work with kids.

Speaker 1:

So you want to help it get out. So how do we help nutrition? Number one what do we eat? Okay, you're going to eat whole food, but it's better if you eat ones that have sulfur and it cause. Sulfur helps you detox. So sulfuric, sulfur foods are Eucrusiferous broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, bok choy, garlic, onions. All those are powerhouses. Not that the other vegetables are bad and you need to eat them all, but if you pee in on those you will start detoxing better. You help your body, you help all those organs work better.

Speaker 1:

You could eat them in sauteum, cook them, steam them, put them in soups, juice them. However you want to eat them. You got to add them to your world. And then there's some that are like superpower, like if you're in a juice or do smoothies, add cilantro and parsley and ginger in with all your greens. So cilantro, parsley really pulled the metals out. We all have a lot of aluminum in us because we drank all those sodas, we had all those vaccines that had aluminum. We have it, trust me, we have aluminum, and so that helps pull them out.

Speaker 1:

I remember Dr Gonzalez making one of his patients she would put, she'd say, a handful of parsley every day in my juicer or a handful in my smoothie. They're powerful. All the greens are powerful because they have chlorophyll. Chlorophyll just binds to the toxins and pulls them out. If you drank too much greens you would actually get sick because your liver, you would overact your liver, and so just by adding a little all the time, you're doing a little every day. So if you added just parsley, cilantro and all your greens, you would hate it and you wouldn't do it anymore. You would make a horrible tasting smoothie, which you don't have to do. You don't have to do. I say low and slow and add it slowly.

Speaker 3:

Hiding the salad right it mixes up with. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

You put cilantro in guacamole, right? Yeah, a little bit as a topping. I always eat it. I always eat the garnish. I eat all the garnishes. Now, it's not just there, for sure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's true. Now let me ask you a question about the metal thing, because I was just wondering about that, because sometimes, like my wife not to mention any names, but my wife she broke, she actually, her two fingers and a thumb went through a quarter inch gap through these, a metal wheel of the Emmings. Basically, she snapped her fingers and didn't just break them, I mean totally.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And obviously they had to screw everything back together. So she's got a lot of metal in her hand.

Speaker 1:

Typically those are stainless steel, though.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so that's not as much of an issue.

Speaker 1:

No, aluminum is not a strong metal. It would not be aluminum. Think about aluminum foil. It's soft.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Impliable, but I know some surgeons and most of them are. All the tools are stainless steel. I used to work in an office. We would clean them, scrub them.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I've always wondered about that with her hand, because I mean your body doesn't like it.

Speaker 1:

sometimes Some people have to have the screws removed because it gets annoying or irritated. But typically think about knees and now hips and knees and screws they're everywhere and everybody's ankles.

Speaker 3:

Yes, but fillings, that's bad.

Speaker 1:

They are bad and I had a ton. I had a lot. I'm slowly taking them all out. If you take them out the right way, people will go. I'll just go to my dentist and he'll replace all my fillings. Well, they get sick. They will get sicker. So be careful how you do it. It's just like you have water disaster in your house and they go. You have bestos. Well, they make you get out of the house and they come with hazmat suits to pull that bestos out. Well, same with mercury they wear hazmat suits.

Speaker 3:

All right Biological dentist for that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, totally, or it's better not to do it. If you can't afford it, it's better not to do it. So simple things that you can do. I'm just going. These are free and simple. Yes, in the morning, the first thing you do is drink lemon water every day. Half a lemon lemon, squeeze it or juice it for the week and then keep lemon in a refrigerator and just pour a little lemon water Cleans out your digestive system, gets everything working better. For the day, drink green tea. I know it doesn't taste great. Maybe try to make it taste a little better with little honey or stevia, but green tea is powerful. Anything green, I'm telling you, is powerful. Dandelion tea and milk, thistle and chamomile. At night it's like the tea to go to bed with.

Speaker 3:

You got all three of those. How excited am I.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't taste as good, so try to make it just better. It's a good night tea. It's giving your liver a kiss. It's just so good for your liver. Every night, if you do one of those teas just before you go to bed, you're really helping your liver At night, you are really healing and detoxing and you don't want to eat close to bedtime because you don't want your body working on digestion.

Speaker 1:

You want it ready to work on you. So three to four hours before bedtime, do not eat, if you can Try. So eat your meal. Eat it hard enough that you're not hungry and snacky. I know that's hard, I am too, and I stay busy. But if I don't eat enough at lunch and dinner, I'm snacking. So try to eat enough. A balanced diet where you get your proteins, carbs and fats in your meals so you're not hungry and go to bed. Go to bed. I know people my brother is like I can't eat Unless I have a bowl of cereal before bed. I'm like what that is so bad? So then your body's got to deal with digestion instead of the enzymes working on healing. It's important and then get a good night's sleep. So if you stop eating at 6 or 7 and then don't eat till 8, 10 in the morning.

Speaker 1:

You've done intermittent fasting, which helps, which is another way to detox. Take hot, cold showers, cycling so at the end of your shower and you're all soaked up and you're nice and clean. Turn it to cold for 30 seconds, get in there. You could do it 60 seconds. You're even better. Now some people will buy a cold plunge, spend all that money, put ice in it, dunk themselves. You could do all that, but you could just do it in your shower every day, 30 seconds. It is so powerful. They've done studies on everything I'm saying has a study and you'll see that they don't get sick as much if they did it for a month in a row. That is just so simple. There used to be a detox lady and she would come to your house and that was one of the things she said. She'd put that cold shower on and hold them in the shower.

Speaker 3:

And I like her.

Speaker 1:

I know it's very hard to do because I like to be warm, but 30 seconds you just start. 10, 20, do it Breathing, breathe, long, deep breaths. When you feel yourself stressed in the morning, dr Gonzalez used to say just swing your arms up, swing your arms down. 10 long, deep breaths, three times a day. Whenever you think about it, you get off your chair, take a long, deep breath, in and out. Longer out than in is better. Long, slow, deep breaths. You're cleaning out your lungs. You're getting deeper in your gut.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Dry brushing. You get that stiff brush and you brush your skin. You're kind of stimulating your lymphatic system and you're getting dry dead cells off your skin. You always brush towards your heart and at first you're real sensitive and you're like, oh, ooh, because the brush is stiff and your skin is dry. Do it before you shower. But after a while you start liking it and it actually feels good. You'll feel your skin tingle. Your skin will look healthier. You can even do your face. But you've got to do it a little less rough or you'll be red face.

Speaker 1:

I have a Korean friend that she buys me these little. The Koreans were big into skin brushing and if you ever go to a Korean spa you will see the mom and the daughter or son. They scrub their bodies at least two, three times a week with this little hand mitt and they're brutal, like if you have them do it to you. You are like oh, oh, but they scrub their bodies and get rid of all. It's stimulating to your lymphatic system. That's part of their culture. We don't do it, but it's powerful, it's powerful. So I use that hand mitt in my shower. I do it. So I do dry brushing and wet brushing Exercise. Well, everybody knows movements are powerful. So moving is your lymphatic system that you are moving, getting your muscles moving, getting your whole lymphatics that don't have a heart pump. So any kind of movement, whether it's yoga, jumping, rebounding, even standing still and just jiggling Hell.

Speaker 3:

Caged fighting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I have my older brother. I'm like, before you do your exercise, just get up and move. And he said he pulls less muscles you know like he's because he's stiff and his joints hurt. He said it helps me so much Just get your blood moving, so just wiggle. And then I read like twisting, which we do in yoga. But you could just twist or sweep the floors or sweep your garage out with a good old big broom and use both sides, Sweep with both sides right or shovel the snow. You are twisting your organs. You're actually twisting your liver and your kidney, kind of giving it a squeeze. So we do it in yoga, we hold it and you breathe, but sweeping is powerful and you're cleaning. You're getting two things done. You laugh.

Speaker 3:

Well, I do. First of all I'm happy. But secondly, I think my neighbors are always saying do you want to borrow my leaf blower? Because it's more manly to have a big machine in your hand. But I take my just regular old broom and I sweep my old driveway, just because it's therapeutic to me.

Speaker 1:

It is.

Speaker 3:

It's powerful, Manly, but still it's more healthy.

Speaker 1:

And those leaf blowers. The noise pollution is horrible. And then when you take a bath, put some epsom salt and stay in the bath. Make it really hot, sweat, sweating. We don't sweat on a, do you know? You're supposed to sweat every day. That's yeah. And that's hard for you and me because we're cold Nature and we live right now. It's cold in our climates. But if you could sweat, get in the tub, get in a sauna. If you don't have a sauna, get in your tub, make it really hot until you are sweating, or go do work, run up and down the stairs until you're sweating. Exercise till you're sweating. Sweating cleans your pores Like it detoxes you.

Speaker 1:

So I'll tell you a story. When I started a lot of green juicing, I used to green juice every day or have a green smoothie and then I would go do my yoga and I noticed that I was smelling like the odor during yoga. When I was starting to work, my odor was so strong when I had the green juice before my exercise and that's because the green juice is pulling stuff out, and here I am helping it come out by sweating and I'd have to get up out of the class and go wipe my pits like, because I couldn't even stand the smell. It could smell and I think the combination is powerful. So go do a green juice, go do the green smoothie, go do your exercise to help it pull out all the way. That's part of what phase one, phase two, that's why garlic and the cruciferous sec those all help that. Sulfur helps pull it out.

Speaker 1:

There's enemas. Now I know you heard that word before and it's a powerful word, but you could do simple enemas of just a little bit of aloe juice or lemon water and it kind of cleans your intestines out. That's after you have relieved yourself. And there's also coffee enemas, which is a heavy duty detox that a lot of cancer people use and you need to get into it. We have things on our web that you can look at Healing Strong. Go Google it. There's a lot of information on coffee enemas.

Speaker 1:

What it does is stimulate your liver to release bile, so it stimulates it to help it detox. It's just giving your liver a kickstart, which typically in cancer people. They're overloaded with toxins and their liver's not working as well, or they've done chemo or whatever A lot of chemicals or drugs trying to get better, or their whole life they're on pharmaceuticals, like their body's overloaded and it just helps clean it out. There's clinics in Mexico that are holistic clinics. Before they'll take you, they look at your liver. They want to see your liver enzymes because they don't want you coming if your liver can't handle the detoxes they're going to do, if it's too weak they already know. So they want to see you got to keep your liver clean and that's why I say that nightly tea a little every day for everybody. So where you are and where I am, we just got to stay on our journey. You know what I mean. Just help it every day.

Speaker 3:

How does Juan? Here's a simple question that everyone knows about me how do you find out what condition your liver is in through blood tests?

Speaker 1:

Well, there are blood tests and I would say, depending on the doctor looking at him, how he would rate your liver. But probably a typical CBC has a little bit of your liver enzyme. There's quite a few now.

Speaker 1:

I can't name them off the top of my head, but I know there's a few, and a lot of people have fatty liver and they used to attribute that to alcohol. But that's now it's not. It's what they're eating and all the junk in their body. A lot of them need to do these kind of detoxes. I've had a lot of people tell me I have fatty liver, I don't even drink. The doctor's going, you must drink. Then they go no, I don't drink any alcohol. Well, they're just clocked up and their liver can't handle it. Even there's a lot on the web. Dr Berg talks about fatty liver disease. So many people have it. Just give your liver some support by doing all of this, by what you eat and what you drink and sleeping so important. So if you go to bed early, not with a full stomach, get a good night's sleep, take your phones out of your room, turn your Wi-Fi's off. People go what? I can't turn my Wi-Fi off. Yes, you can.

Speaker 3:

It's what it's going to do these days, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

It's hard for me. It's hard for me to let go of my phone. Try to go maybe an hour a day without it, but when you're sleeping is when you're healing. It is the most important part. Not to have it so, even charging in your room, take it out of the room and charge it in another room. Even better, turn your Wi-Fi off for the whole house. Yeah, the whole house. You could buy something fancy. I see them. I go to all these health shows. They have now something you hook up to, and it hooks up to your modem, and you could turn everything off. Or you could just buy a timer, a $10 timer, put it on your bag and tear your Wi-Fi off.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you were in an apartment, you're going to get everybody else's Wi-Fi. You're out of luck. You are out of luck because if you look at your phone, the Wi-Fi connections, you can see how many things are trying to connect to you, notice how many things are coming at you. Turn your Wi-Fi off, though, so if you can get away from them. I've even asked neighbors hey, how about we both turn our Wi-Fi off at night? And they're like oh okay, that's fine, because people are getting stronger and stronger. Like I work at home and I need petroleum megabits or whatever. So if you're in a house it's easier.

Speaker 1:

There are things that help block it. They're expensive but there are some cheap and dirties. One natural path told me to go to the hardware store and go buy grounding rods. You know those copper grounding rods. Cut them in half, have Home Depot cut them in half. Four foot grounding rods, put about four under your bed, four or five, and it kind of copper blocks, emf. So in addition to turning off your phone, put copper around you. And if you look at most of the EMF stuff blockers that they sell they're made with copper, copper's blocks. So that's a cheap and dirty.

Speaker 1:

And she told me she used to do it for kids that they couldn't sleep and they were having a lot of autistic kids or having a lot of problems and they would put it under their bed and they would do so much better, so much better, wow, yeah, just sometimes it's something simple. Even I've heard where they're trying to get aluminum out of children and it won't release. So they're giving them heavy duty stuff to pull it or maybe even just doing a foot bath to get rid of aluminum, but when they turn off the EMFs at their house or Wi-Fi also, the aluminum starts coming out of their body. So, emfs, we don't know everything they're doing, but they're messing with it. We are electrical and it's messing with us and I believe them, so there, Wow Okay.

Speaker 1:

So at night, even if you don't turn your cell off, turn your Wi-Fi off.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

The Wi-Fi is coming at you Right the cell's more the other way. I turn it off when I drive. I don't want all those Wi-Fi's when I'm driving down the road trying to connect to me. Yeah, that's what I think about. I've heard so many lectures by Wi-Fi people that it's enough to freak you out. And they sell baby hats that block them. They sell clothes that block them. You could buy a hat. You could buy people that want their fertility Good, they have underwear that block them. They have it all. They have it all, I promise you.

Speaker 3:

I just could play it farm. That's what I'm going to do yeah. Help the country somewhere.

Speaker 1:

I'll just say and just make it less you know, we live in a world. We can't live without our phones. Just less of it, just less.

Speaker 3:

And if we do all that which is pretty simple, you know they're not hard Get down and then, of course, you're always going to have a doctor who understands all this. That could just watch what it is you need. Maybe you need to do something more of something else, or you need to concentrate on part of that. Yeah, as long as you have someone who has a lot more knowledge about it, watch it what you're doing.

Speaker 1:

There's not many. There's not many doctors?

Speaker 3:

There's not, but I'm going to find anyone.

Speaker 1:

So the other thing, the last thing to put in, is remember I said you had to take out the negative emotions and forgive. Well, is to put in happiness gratitude. Every night, maybe a few times a day, you think of three things you're grateful for. And even if you're having a bad time, you be thankful. You have a pillow, that you have a blanket, so be grateful for that. You have to find a good pillow too.

Speaker 1:

So it sounds silly, but they have done studies on it that it's three times a day you do that. They could see they measure the natural killer cells in your body and prove if you go for a walk in the woods every day, or nature or go to the beach, that changes your cells. How powerful is that? They have actually measured it. And so I used to poo, poo all the emotional stuff. I don't want to hear that. I just want to know what to take. Tell me, do I need saline? I'm like, just tell me what capsules to take, who you can find all that out to, yeah, but the powerful stuff is the free stuff. I'm telling you and your doctors don't even mention it what you breathe, what you think, what you eat, those are free and they don't talk about it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I read something yesterday about how people who live on the coast right by a beach and spend time on the beach I mean just laying out under the sun with just being there and listening to the waves they are healthier, there's less stress in their lives, and so that makes sense. That's why I don't like laying out on the beach. I don't like when it's crowded, I don't like where it's stinking hot, but I just love sitting there and listening to the waves coming in and just calm. I like it in the evening when the sun's going down, or the morning when it's popping up.

Speaker 1:

Push, usually barefoot, and you're grounding. We didn't even get into grounding and that sounds really woohoo. But take your shoes off and your socks and go in your backyard If it's not too cold.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and ground what's, so milk.

Speaker 1:

They sell grounding sheets. They sell, but you could buy all that or you could just go outside barefoot for five minutes and ground you know when I tell them there's free stuff or you could do it the complicated, expensive way to do all this.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm going to be a new person next time I see you.

Speaker 1:

Low and slow.

Speaker 3:

And go fast. Well, I think that gave us a lot of information. In fact, my brain is full, so I'm going to have to let you go on that. But if you're listening to this podcast and you haven't heard Christine's story, it is. I forgot how long ago. You're near the beginning of all these. I think I spoke to you, but you tell your story, your healing story.

Speaker 1:

It was a while ago.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you were just a kid.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, but it's taken me this long to learn. Make it simple and keep it simple.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You know I mean, it's hard to stay on your journey all the time, but if you a little out of time and add it all, it's simple. I try to eat something green or drink something green every day, I don't care what, it is Green.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, when's the next time you're coming through on your bike through the Greenville Swamp Rabbit Trail?

Speaker 1:

I love Greenville. I love Greenville.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we'll just come on by and make sure you say, hey, I will, all right. Well, thank you so much for your time.

Speaker 2:

You've been listening to the I Am Healing Strong podcast. A part of the Healing Strong organization. We hope you found encouragement in this episode, as well as the confidence to take control of your healing journey, knowing that God will guide you on this path. Healing Strong is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to connect, support and educate individuals facing cancer and other diseases through strategies that help to rebuild the body, renew the soul and refresh the spirit.

Speaker 2:

It costs nothing to be a part of a local or online group. You can do that by going to our website at healingstrongorg and finding a group near you or an online group, or start your own, your choice. While you're there, take a look around at all the free resources. Though the resources and groups are free, we encourage you to join our membership program at $25 or $75 a month. This helps us to be able to reach more people with hope and encouragement, and that also comes with some extra perks as well, so check it out. If you enjoyed this podcast, please give us a five-star rating, leave an encouraging comment and help us spread the word. We'll see you next week with another story on the I Am Healing Strong podcast.

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